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[Reminder - Due Aug 24, 2024] Nominations for Kubernetes Steering Committee are due August 24th!

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Bridget Kromhout

Aug 19, 2024, 5:31:20 PM8/19/24
to dev

Nominations are open now for the three (3) seats open in the 2024 Kubernetes Steering election cycle. Each of these seats will serve for a two (2) year term. Benjamin Elder, Bob Killen, and Nabarun Pal are finishing their 2 year terms this year. Maciej Szulik, Paco Xu 徐俊杰, Patrick Ohly, and Stephen Augustus are halfway through their terms and will continue to serve on the Steering Committee [1] for another year.

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for one of the three (3) available seats, follow the process in the election guide [2]. This involves writing a candidate issue, posting to, and writing a bio and information about your candidacy as a Pull Request. 

Candidate nominations and their endorsements will only count if they are created as/on a GitHub issue.

Nominations are due by August 24th, and Candidate Bios are due August 25th.

[1] Steering Committee: - who sits on the committee and terms, their projects, and meeting info.

[2] Candidacy Process: - how running for a seat works

Bridget Kromhout

Christoph Blecker

Priyanka Saggu

Bridget Kromhout

Aug 20, 2024, 10:18:19 AM8/20/24
to dev

Hi, Kube Community,

The Kubernetes Steering Committee and our election officers would like to invite all candidates or prospective candidates to an open question and answer session regarding what it's like to be on steering. This session is open to all, but will be focused on answering the questions of candidates or prospective candidates for the upcoming election.

The hour-long meeting is on Wednesday Aug 21st at 11AM Eastern / 8AM Pacific; please see the calendar link below [1].


Bridget Kromhout

Christoph Blecker

Priyanka Saggu

[1] (and then navigate to Aug 21st and look for Kubernetes Steering AMA)

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