krakend ce v2.6.0 Req/ Resp modifier | Resp.Data is not returning any data

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Hendry Zheng

Jul 11, 2024, 5:51:58 AMJul 11
to KrakenD Community

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 16.49.36.pngScreenshot 2024-07-11 at 16.51.17.png
Is this known issue?

Daniel Lopez

Jul 11, 2024, 10:37:21 AMJul 11
to Hendry Zheng, KrakenD Community
The Data field won't be populated if you are using a `no-op` pipe. In that scenario, the response body is passed as an io.Reader and it's accessible through the Io() method

Kind regards

El jue, 11 jul 2024 a las 11:52, Hendry Zheng (<>) escribió:

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 16.49.36.pngScreenshot 2024-07-11 at 16.51.17.png
Is this known issue?

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Daniel López

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Hendry Zheng

Jul 11, 2024, 10:18:02 PMJul 11
to KrakenD Community, Daniel Lopez, KrakenD Community, Hendry Zheng
Hi Daniel!

Appreciate your swift response. I finally got it working! I think it's worth to add additional information in krakend docs regarding response manipulation like how to update the response back by returning the wrapper back with a new reinstate variable. Also maybe to have additional information that if the gzip is enabled by the API, the response should decode. It took me sometime to realise that the response was actually compressed and I had to decompress it then only able to read it properly.

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