We are very happy to announce our second Facilitator Training in Theatre of the Oppressed (TO)!
This six day training will be held in Bangalore and will run from Monday June 3 to Saturday June 8, 2013. It is meant for beginners as well as those seeking to deepen their understanding and practice of TO.
Our June 2012 training, with 24 participants, from Bombay, Bangalore, Calicut and Egypt, was very well received and you can see the feedback at this link.
This year we are offering, in addition to the Six Day Training, a One Day Workshop in Rainbow of Desire on Sunday June 9, 2013. Rainbow of Desire is a powerful technique in Theatre of the Oppressed which is used to understand conflicts in interpersonal relationships. This one-day workshop will be open only to those who have completed a Six Day Facilitator Training in TO. (including those who will take this year's six day training).
Theatre of the Oppressed helps us discover not just who we are, but who we can be. All it asks is that we bring an open heart!
More details about the training, registration, and accommodation for outstation participants are in the attachment and at our website at this link.
Please circulate this mail among your friends and anyone you think may be interested.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e mail me or call me at 080 25370408.
Thank you and looking forward to working with you in June!
Warm regards
Dear friends
The mail below comes to you from the Centre for Community Dialogue and Change, an organisation you have supported by attending our Theatre of the Oppressed workshops in Mumbai. We hope you continue to feel inspired by the potential that this tool has to create change in our personal and professional lives.
Some of you have expressed an interest in attending a longer course, and therefore this mail. Please share this with friends who may not be part of this group, but who you think may be interested in learning the use of Theatre of the Oppressed for community dialogue.
We hope to see many of you in Bangalore in June!