In section 3 we have:
up =: *10&^
down =: %10&^
rnd =: <. @ (0.5&+)
round =: rnd @ up down ]
5.123 up 2 NB. 512.3 up is dyadic
512.3 down 2 NB. 5.123 down is dyadic and inverse function of up
rnd 3.657 5.123 NB. 4 5 rnd is monadic
3.657 5.123 round 2 NB. 3.66 5.12
Now as 'down' is the inverse of 'up', it should be possible to use 'under' (&.):
roundu =: rnd &. up
Unfortunately this doesn't work:
3.657 5.123 roundu 2
|domain error in roundu, executing dyad rnd&.up
| 3.657 5.123 roundu 2
I think the issue is: The verb 'up' is dyadic, but 'rnd' is monadic. So I tried:
rounduu =: ([: rnd [) &. up
This gives the same error!
In I found:
Round to p decimal places: ([: <. +&0.5) &. (*&(10^p))
However here p (number of digits to round) is a noun variable and not an argument of the verb!
How do I write a working version of roundu using under (&.)? How can I tell the interpreter to call 'rnd' monadically?
roundm=:{{([: <. +&0.5) &. (*&(10^m)) }}
2 roundm 51.1234
2 roundm 51.1264
Not exactly what you were seeking. Also, you might look at :. which allows you to define an inverse, but using dyads makes it hard to use.
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Many Thanks! This explains everything!
I clicked on the (under) link in the NuVoc and landed on the page There the 2 very important formulas
u&.v y ↔ vi u v y
x u&.v y ↔ vi (v x) u (v y)
are missing.
How do I navigate from the main Wiki page to this excellent page?
@Henry: I suggest to add these 2 formulas to the page linked by NuVoc?
I agree a formula like that would be more clear, particularly for &.: .
For &. they are not entirely precise, as they do not take into account that &. imposes the rank of v on u:
*:^:_1 +/ *: 3 4
+/&.*: 3 4
3 4
+/&.:*: 3 4
The latter result should, according to the formula, be the same, but is not, because in the later executes +/ at rank 0 (the rank of *:).
I think the formula should read (and similarly, the dyadic case):
u&.v y <-> v^:_1 u"rv v y, with rv=: 0{.v b.0, i.e. the monadic rank of v.
That said, the wiki is a wiki, you could add it yourself if you want to...