Viktor Grigorov
unread,May 3, 2024, 10:47:49 AMMay 3Sign in to reply to author
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to J Mailing List J
Hey, all,
I was solving 2021's Advent of Code's 8. problem, and I stumbled into an oddity. The below code, on my system at least, results in the whole block being repeated rather than it sans first line. Am I missing something or is this, say, an optimization from the C compiler, even though the 'as if' rule is violated?
{{'digits one seven four eight'=._1;'';'';'';''[r=.0[y=.,}.<;._2 LF,y
for_words.{:"1(2&}.)L:0 ([:<;.1'|',])S:0 y do.
while.0<+/_1=digits do.
echo digits=._1#~(1++/' '&=;words) NB. this echo showed the fault in my case
for_word.([:<;._1])' ',;words do.
echo word;word_index;digits
case.7 do.digits=.8(word_index)}digits[eight=.word
case.4 do.digits=.4(word_index)}digits[four=.word
case.3 do.digits=.7(word_index)}digits[seven=.word
case.2 do.digits=.1(word_index)}digits[one=.word
case.5 do.
if.(four&(2=[:+/e.))word do.digits=.2(word_index)}digits
elseif.(four&(4=[:+/e.)[:+/e.)[:+/e.))word do.digits=.3(word_index)}digits
elseif.(four&(3=[:+/e.)[:+/e.))word do.digits=.5(word_index)}digits
case.6 do.
if.(one&(1=[:+/e.)[:+/e.))word do.digits=.6(word_index)}digits
elseif.(one&(2=[:+/e.)+.four&(4=[:+/e.)[:+/e.))word do.digits=.9(word_index)}digits
elseif.(one&(2=[:+/e.)[:+/e.))word do.digits=.0(word_index)}digits
if.0<_1=digits do.goto_q.end.
echo '---';digits;number
'digits one four seven'=._1;'';'';''
}}0 :0
be cfbegad cbdgef fgaecd cgeb fdcge agebfd fecdb fabcd edb | fdgacbe cefdb cefbgd gcbe
edbfga begcd cbg gc gcadebf fbgde acbgfd abcde gfcbed gfec | fcgedb cgb dgebacf gc
fgaebd cg bdaec gdafb agbcfd gdcbef bgcad gfac gcb cdgabef | cg cg fdcagb cbg
fbegcd cbd adcefb dageb afcb bc aefdc ecdab fgdeca fcdbega | efabcd cedba gadfec cb
aecbfdg fbg gf bafeg dbefa fcge gcbea fcaegb dgceab fcbdga | gecf egdcabf bgf bfgea
fgeab ca afcebg bdacfeg cfaedg gcfdb baec bfadeg bafgc acf | gebdcfa ecba ca fadegcb
dbcfg fgd bdegcaf fgec aegbdf ecdfab fbedc dacgb gdcebf gf | cefg dcbef fcge gbcadfe
bdfegc cbegaf gecbf dfcage bdacg ed bedf ced adcbefg gebcd | ed bcgafe cdgba cbgef
egadfb cdbfeg cegd fecab cgb gbdefca cg fgcdab egfdb bfceg | gbdfcae bgc cg cgb
gcafb gcf dcaebfg ecagb gf abcdeg gaef cafbge fdbac fegbdc | fgae cfgab fg bagce