JOD addon 1.1.2 update

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John Baker

Jul 15, 2024, 6:27:13 PM (12 days ago) Jul 15
I pushed out an addon update, JOD 1.1.2, yesterday. Use the package
manager to update.

I usually don't post release messages, but there are some things about
this release that merit pointing out. Also, I've learned that if you
don't post messages or edit WiKi pages, you are invisible to Ed
Gottsman's useful (jviewer) utility, which exposes J's online history.

Here are the main items:

1. JOD now requires J 9.02 or greater. Direct definitions are sneaking
into JOD code, so I might as well make them a dependency.

2. The (z) locale utilities (jodon) and (jodoff) have been changed.
Before J 9.6 (jodoff) destroyed JOD objects and class locales. With
J 9.6, locales are permanent by default. They can no longer be
easily dropped. Now (jodoff) simply removes the JOD interface locale
(ijod) from the base path while (jodon) adds it back in. They do not
change JOD's class locales (ajod, ajoddob, ajodmake, ajodstore,
ajodtools, ajodutil, ijod). To refresh JOD, you must (load
'general/jod'). This change is backward compatible and runs in
versions of J from 9.02 to the current.

3. Many test scripts in the JODSOURCE addon have been edited to use the
(jodtestlocale) utility. (jodtestlocale) creates temporary named
locales that can be dropped as before. It is also backward
compatible. (jodtestlocale) is in (jodprodfile.ijs), and many
examples of its use are here:

4. When JOD loads, it clears vestigial JOD objects. In particular, it
destroys numbered empty locales. If you create any empty numbered
locales (load 'general/jod') will trash them. You can set CLEARVOBS
in (jodprofile.ijs) to 0 to turn off vestigial object removal. When
off repeated (load 'general/jod')'s will create orphaned JOD
objects. I consider such locales freaks, so the default is 1 or on.

Other than these changes it's JOD'ing as usual. Enjoy.

John D. Baker
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