Infy Maker Awards

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Infosys Foundation USA

Oct 29, 2015, 2:58:23 PM10/29/15
to da Vinci

Dear Jigsaw Community:

We were writing to introduce to you the Infy Maker Awards. Announced by Infosys Foundation USA in late September, the Infy Maker Awards has committed $1 million towards recognizing creative excellence in maker projects with social impact. These will include 25 awards of $10,000 each for adult makers (age 18+) over the next nine months. The awards website is and we are also active on Twitter at @InfyFoundation using the hashtag #InfyMakers. BTW, we also have a student cycle beginning December 1st with $10,000 makerspace grants.


Our Fall cycle closes in two weeks and I thought perhaps Makers in your community may be interested in entering and competing. We’d greatly appreciate it if you would consider forwarding this message to anyone you think may be keen on participating. We’ve also attached here a PDF flyer with details which can be printed out for a bulletin board.


Thank you so much for time and please do let us know if you have any questions regarding this. We look forward to some exciting projects!

The team at Infosys Foundation USA


About Infosys Foundation USA

Infosys Foundation USA is focused on bridging the digital divide in America by supporting high quality computer science education and coding skills with a particular focus on under-represented communities. It aims to give children and young adults the skills they need to become creators, not just consumers, of technology.  In pursuit of this mission, in 2015 alone, the Foundation has partnered with many internationally acclaimed non-profits and institutions like, New York Academy of Sciences,, GirlsWhoCode and the CREATE Lab at Carnegie Mellon University. In addition, Infosys Foundation USA recently committed a million dollars to the Infy Maker Awards to inspire makers across the U.S. to demonstrate creative excellence in making projects with genuine impact.

Infy Maker Awards Poster.pdf
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