Social concerns of India's nightingale Lata Mangeshkar

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Pramod Ranjan

2022年10月20日 13:56:412022/10/20
收件人 JanVikalp
Playback singer Lata Mangeshkar was the uncrowned queen of Indian music for over seven decades. Her songs were heard and admired not only in India but also in many other countries including Pakistan and Bangladesh. This article is about her social concerns and political leanings. At the level of thought, she was close to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), which is infamous for its Nazi-like ideology. Many incidents of her life show that she preferred communal politics over secularism. She also kept away from the Dalit issues.
- Pramod Ranjan
See the Article Here :

Osman Sher

2022年10月20日 22:59:132022/10/20
Art, that evokes inner sensation and awakens tender feelings, is a form of spiritualism. Its message is like that of Bhakti or Sufism, i.e., sulh-e kull or peace for all and animosity with none.

In its midst, exclusiveness certainly looks out of place, especially when one is not only earning enormous respect of those who are considered as  'others' but also is being benefited materially from them.

According to the historian, Arnold Toynbee, “the choice (between competition and cooperation) is deliberate in human beings, and in us it is bound up with the human sense of the difference and antithesis between right and wrong and between good and evil”.

Lata Mangeshkar was a human being. Probably, she chose the powers “inimical to the wellbeing of the world” and not those that “are struggling to better it”.

Osman Sher

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kapoor kapil

2022年10月21日 08:43:532022/10/21
收件人、Pramod Ranjan
It appears only Brahmin haters are milk-washed, just as Jew haters were. Being a Marxist or being close to Marxists is the ticket to heaven- being even a Hindu sympathetic to RSS is the road to Liberal Hell.
Regards - kapil kapoor



2022年10月21日 09:46:012022/10/21
收件人 JanVikalp
From: Anirudh Deshpande <>
Dear Pramod,
I enjoyed your article on Lata. Always wonder how different from her was Rafi, Manna, Talat, Mukesh and Kishore. Examine the secular views of Dilip Kumar in contrast. In fact, she is a blot on the otherwise hitherto secular character of Bollywood. Now the place is crowded with Hindu communalists. 

On Friday, October 21, 2022 at 6:13:53 PM UTC+5:30 kapoor kapil wrote:
It appears only Brahmin haters are milk-washed, just as Jew haters were. Being a Marxist or being close to Marxists is the ticket to heaven- being even a Hindu sympathetic to RSS is the road to Liberal Hell.
Regards - kapil kapoor

On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 23:26, Pramod Ranjan
Playback singer Lata Mangeshkar was the uncrowned queen of Indian music for over seven decades. Her songs were heard and admired not only in India but also in many other countries including Pakistan and Bangladesh. This article is about her social concerns and political leanings. At the level of thought, she was close to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), which is infamous for its Nazi-like ideology. Many incidents of her life show that she preferred communal politics over secularism. She also kept away from the Dalit issues.
- Pramod Ranjan
See the Article Here :

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Sushant Mishra

2022年10月21日 09:46:572022/10/21
Nazi like ideology has a counterpart in Stalin. But no need to remind anybody as Goeble's truth corresponds to the Stalinist attemps to fable and children story character creations.
Some chose to ignore that Hindus also have a right to exist...Ignorance is bliss. Ideologically chosen ignorance is euphoria. In euphoria, people often amnesiac about the rights of others. Hindu is the other for Stalinists. Nazis were supported by Pope etc. But selective ignorance is euphoric.
Only Lata Mangeshkar is to be blamed.

Pramod Ranjan

2022年10月21日 10:05:112022/10/21
@  Kapil  Kapoor, Sushant Mishra Ji

आपकी इन टिप्प्णियों से हैरान हूं। इस लेख पर अगर आरोप ही लगाना था तो इसके दलित-बहुजनवादी को लेकर लगाते! इसकी लानत-मानत आम्बेडकरवादी कह कर करते!! इसमें आप  मार्क्सवाद/स्तालिनवाद को कहां से ढूंढ लाए? सचमुच मार्क्सवाद का प्रेत उसके विरोधियों के सर चढ़कर बोलता है। मार्क्सवादी मित्रों को आपकी टिप्पणियों से खुश होना चाहिए।

वैसे,  ब्राह्मण के ब्राह्मण बने रहने और ब्राह्मणवाद को बढ़वा देना, हिंदू को हिंदू बने रहने और सांप्रदायिकता को बढ़वा देने का 'अधिकार' नहीं है। इसकी आलोचना हर वह विचारधारा करेगी, जो एक स्वस्थ समाज की पक्षधर है।


Anand Patwardhan

2022年10月21日 10:59:142022/10/21
i always opposed lata's politics and world view while she was alive, just as i oppose the likes of amitabh bacchan and anupam kher for being rank opportunists ever willing to kiss arse no matter how saffron.  no point needling the dead tho, unless you are pointing at those still alive.

Osman Sher

2022年10月21日 23:23:202022/10/21

I have to take another thread from the article of Mr. Pramod Ranjan, which relates to the history of India, where he says that Lata Mangeshkar sang, being deeply immersed, Savarkar’s song, which “communalizes Shivaji: Her Hindu nrisangha prabho Shivajiraja”.


In this regard, there are two historical myths:

1, Shivaji was anti Muslim and represented Hinduism’s revival, and

2. He was almost of the stature of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.


1. Shivaji’s grandfather had named his two sons Shahji and Sharifji after a Muslim saint named Shah Sharif, whom he deeply venerated. Like his grandfather, Shivaji also remained respectful to Islam during his campaigns. Khafi Khan, the historian of the time of Aurangzeb, who has termed Shivaji in his writings as ‘a sharp son of the devil’, and ‘a father of fraud’, mentions about his special virtues as follows: “But he made it a rule that wherever his followers went plundering, they should do no harm to the mosques, the Book of God, or the women of any one. Whenever a copy of the sacred Quran came into his hands, he treated it with respect, and gave it to some of his Musalman followers. When the women of any Hindu or Muhammadan were taken prisoners by his men, and they had no friend to protect them, he watched over them until their relations came with a suitable ransom to buy their liberty”.

2. Shivaji’s struggle was not a religious movement, nor did it represent an effort for revivalism of Hindu culture. It was basically an armed struggle to establish a regional kingdom. For that purpose, Shivaji had to contend with the Deccan Sultanates as well as with the Mughal might. Contests for territory have been a commonplace, without any consideration of religion. Hindus have fought with Hindus and Muslims with Muslims and have indulged in cross-alliances when necessary. Aurangzeb did not stop cooperating politically with Hindu princes and Shivaji did not mind having a Muslim ally when the sultan of Golconda supported his campaign in Southern India. After the plunder of Surat by Shivaji in 1664, Aurangzeb deputed one of his ablest generals, Mirza Raja Jai Singh Kachhwaha of Amber, to destroy Shivaji and thereafter to invade and annex the Muslim sultanate of Bijapur. Jai Singh soon secured Shivaji’s capitulation and forced him to sign a treaty in June 1665, ceding four-fifths of his territory and promising to serve the emperor loyally. Shivaji then accompanied Jai Singh with his 11,000 troops to the abortive Mughal campaign to Bijapur. It seemed for the moment that Shivaji's career had come to an end, for he agreed to present himself at Aurangzeb's court at Agra with the promise of a Mughal mansab in return. He did so, taking with him offerings of gifts of submission, but he was not happy at his treatment. First, at the imperial court he was asked to stand with other mansabdars, in order of precedence, behind Jaswant Singh, whom he had previously defeated. Second, the Mughals considered 5,000 to be a very high rank for a new entrant like Shivaji, but he expected a mansab of at least 7,000 because of his political standing and prestige in the Deccan. Sensing Shivaji’s reluctance to compromise, he was put under house arrest. Palace intrigue prevented Aurangzeb from resolving the misunderstandings. Before the Emperor could take further action, Shivaji escaped wearing a deception to the Deccan on 28 August 1666.

In 1674 Shivaji, however, was able to establish his small kingdom like others in the Deccan. For this purpose, the most revered Hindu theologian at Varanasi, Gagga Bhatta was persuaded to declare that Shivaji was not a šudra, but a lapsed Kshatriya, a Rajput. Gagga Bhatta traveled to the Maratha capital where he purified Shivaji and invested him with the sacred thread and Vedic verses reserved for the twice born castes. At the royal consecration on June 6, 1674, Gagga Bhatta raised the royal umbrella over Shivaji's head and hailed him as a Siva Chhatrapati (Lord of the Four Quarters). 

Osman Sher


On Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 01:56:41 p.m. EDT, Pramod Ranjan <> wrote:

kapoor kapil

2022年10月24日 04:32:382022/10/24
I think in a group like this, the members have to mind their language - Mr. Patwardhan's street-language is not acceptable. Does the Moderater really moderate? Or, is the Agenda above everything in which case the charade of intellectualism should be dropped.

bharat vatwani

2022年10月24日 06:33:272022/10/24
I totally agree with Kapil. All of us on this Group should be mature enough to accept the other person's point of view, even if it be different from ours, without indulging derogatory remarks. The whole purpose of the Group was to share intellectual flow of thought. Let's not make this into another TV slamming-each-other-down debate/discussion show, albeit in a written format. 

Wishing a Happy Diwali and a Peaceful Blissful New Year to one and all.

Dr Bharat Vatwani
Shraddha Rehabilitation Foundation
Ramon Magsaysay Awardee 2018

Sushant Mishra

2022年10月24日 06:33:282022/10/24
"Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), which is infamous for its Nazi-like ideology" - Did you read this? From where did you get Nazi in the context? So, my comment is apt.
Perhaps you don't even know the ideology of Nazi. Only then you can use such terms so loosely and immediately run away to another realm of terms and concepts,which have come out of similar discourse of Christian Europe.
Anyway, here, only the point of Nazi that was used in the comment and it leads to what I wrote.

Anand Patwardhan

2022年10月24日 11:15:232022/10/24
i will cease and desist on this forum as my street language is of course in poor taste but still tastes better than the majoritarian s*** that passes for popular culture nowadays.

Mukesh Kumar

2022年10月24日 11:33:252022/10/24
श्री आनंद पटवर्धन ने ऊपर की टिप्पणी में बिल्कुल ठीक लिखा है। अमनवीय विचारधाराओं के लिए कठोर शब्द  प्रयोग में लाए जाने चाहिए।

उन्होंने इस फोरम में मौजूद किसी व्यक्ति के लिए टिप्पणी नहीं की है, बल्कि उस विचारधारा की बात की है तो सांप्रदायिकता को बढ़ावा देती है और नफरत फैलाती है। तो, 

श्री kapil kapoor और Sushant Mishra को बताना चाहिए कि वे उक्त संगठन से किस हैसियत से जुड़े हैं?  क्या वह भारत के बुद्धिजीवियों संगठन है? उन्हें यह भी बताना चाहिए कि क्यों किसी कलाकार को एक ऐसे संगठन से जुड़ना चाहिए जो जातिवादी और सांप्रदायिक है, जिसने राष्ट्रपिता गांधी की हत्या करवाई और जिस पर इस देश में हुए प्राय: सभी सांप्रदायिक दंगे में भाग लेने का आरोप है? 

उन्हें यह भी बताना चाहिए कि उक्त संगठन से उनका यह प्रेम इस सरकार के आने के बाद ही क्यों खुल्लम खुल्ला उजागर हो रहा है? मुझे लगताहै कि उनके इस 'प्रखर प्रेम-प्रदर्शन' की मंशा सब लोग समझते हैं।

Sushant Mishra

2022年10月25日 02:19:122022/10/25
झूठ बोलकर आप केवल आरोप लगा सकते हैं। संभव हो तो मेरे दिए तथ्यों को गलत प्रमाणित करें। आप संभवतः न तो नाजियों के बारे जानते हैं न औपनिवेशिक विचारधाराओं के बारे में जो आपसे ये सबकुछ लिखवा रहा है। आपके लिए मैं एक अन्य तथ्य सामने रख देता हूं — कृपया हंगरी के राष्ट्रपति का अद्यतन भाषण पढ़े। बहुत कुछ स्पष्ट होगा आपको। और हां, किसी अंग्रेजी अखबार की कतरन पढ़कर बातें न करें। और किसी संस्था को हमसे क्या लाभ है वो उस संस्था पर छोड़ दें। यदि आप आरएसएस के वक्ता हैं तो मेरी बातों को पहले गलत प्रमाणित करें। फिर से यही कहूंगा कि शायद आप नाजियो को, या उनके समकक्ष स्टालिन, ऑटोमन इत्यादि को यूरोप की दृष्टि समझने का प्रयास करें तो कुछ तथ्यपरक बाते कर सकेंगे।

news writers

2022年10月26日 10:28:052022/10/26

  *** is an educational platform launched by a group of media academicians and professionals to impart training in niche and emerging areas in the different streams of journalism, communication and digital media.   Most of the recourse persons are drawn from the news and media industry. Prof. Subhash Dhuliya former Vice-Chancellor of Uttarakhand Open University and Former Professor at IGNOU, IIMC &  Central University of Rajasthan is the founder-director of the platform 


2022年11月22日 23:07:492022/11/22
收件人 JanVikalp、
Do any of you have Rajeev Shah's number? Please make available
There is something urgent to talk to him about.
-Pramod Ranjan

About Rajiv Shah
The former political editor of the Times of India (TOI), Rajiv covered the state government between late 1997 and early 2013 as the daily's representative in the Gujarat capital, Gandhinagar.
Rajiv currently edits Counterview, a purely voluntary news and views site, a news blog not associated or supported by any organization, and, an open forum.

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2022年11月23日 04:03:322022/11/23
收件人 JanVikalp、JanVikalp
Please do not publish this article ("Social concerns of India's nightingale Lata Mangeshkar") without prior permission.

kapoor kapil

2022年11月23日 14:43:202022/11/23
The Times of India was notorious for its biased coverage and faced many protests  - but protests always pale before the AGENDA. 

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