This proposal specifies the ability to declare member and base class subobjects which do not take up space in the objects they are contained within. It also allows the user to define classes which will always be used in such a fashion.

Motivation and Scope

An object is stateless, conceptually speaking, if it has no non-static data members. As such, the state of any particular instance is no different from another. Because of this, there is no conceptual reason why a stateless object needs to have a region of storage associated with it.

In C++, a class would be stateless if it has no non-static data members (NSDMs) and all of its base classes likewise are stateless as well. is_empty_v qualifies as a useful test, but technically other classes could qualify as well (those with virtual members/base classes).

There are many times when a user wants to use a class that the user provides, but the class may or may not be logically stateless. If it is stateless, then it would be best if the class which uses it would not grow in size simply due to the presence of the stateless subobject. After all, a conceptually stateless object does not need to take up space to do its job.

To avoid this, users will frequently use standard layout rules and the empty base optimization to allow them to have access to a stateless subobject:

template<typename Alloc>
struct DataBlock : public Alloc

In this case, if Alloc is empty, then so long as DataBlock follows standard layout rules, the user is guaranteed that DataBlock is no larger than it would have been if Alloc were not empty. Even if it does not follow standard layout, the compiler is free to optimize the empty base Alloc away.

There are of course problems with such a use. If Alloc is not empty (and DataBlock does not require that it is), and Alloc declares a virtual function, it is possible that DataBlock<Alloc> will accidentally override that virtual function. Or not quite override it and cause a compile error. Whereas if Alloc were a non-static data member, this could easily be avoided.

Equally importantly, this use of Alloc is simply not how a user would naturally write this class. Inheritance is supposed to model an "is a" relationship. Yet conceptually, DataBlock is not an Alloc; it has an Alloc. DataBlock uses inheritance, not to model a relationship, but as an optimization tool, to keep the class from growing unnecessarily.

The intent of this proposal is to permit, among other things, classes like DataBlock to declare Alloc as a non-static data member. And if Alloc is empty, then DataBlock can use syntax to make the Alloc NSDM take up no space in DataBlock's layout.

This would also be recursive, so that if Alloc had no NSDMs, and DataBlock<Alloc> had no NSDMs besides the Alloc member, then DataBlock<Alloc> would also be considered an empty type. And therefore, some other type could use it in a stateless fashion.


We define two concepts: stateless subobjects and stateless classes. A stateless class is really just shorthand for the former; it declares that instances of the class can only be created as stateless subobjects of some other type.

Note: The following syntax is entirely preliminary. This proposal is not wedded to the idea of introducing a new keyword or somesuch. This syntax is here simply for the sake of understanding how the functionality should generally be specified. The eventual syntax could be a contextual keyword like final and override, or it could be something else.

Stateless subobojects

A non-static data member subobject of a type can be declared stateless with the following syntax:

struct Data
    stateless Type val;

A base class subobject of a type can be declared stateless with the following syntax:

struct Data : public stateless Type

In both cases, if Type is not an empty class, then this is a compile error. stateless cannot be applied to a base class which uses virtual inheritance.

Member subobjects that are arrayed cannot be declared with stateless property. Variables which are not non-static data members cannot be declared with the stateless property.

stateless cannot be applied to a member of a union class.

The stateless property can be conditional, based on a compile-time condition like noexcept. This is done as follows:

template<typename Alloc>
struct DataBlock
    stateless(is_empty_v<Alloc>) Alloc a;

In this case, a will be a stateless member only if its type is empty. If the condition is false, then it is as if the stateless property were not applied to the subobject.

To facilitate common use patterns, the stateless(auto) syntax for subobjects shall be equivalent to stateless(std::is_empty_v<T>), where T is the type of the subobject being declared.

Stateless behavior

Stateless subobjects have no effect on the layout or size of their containing object. Similarly, the rules for standard layout types ignore the presence of any stateless subobjects. And thus, two classes can be layout compatible even if they differ by the presence of stateless subobjects.

Stateless subobjects otherwise have the same effects on their containing types as regular subobjects do. For example, a stateless subobject can cause its container to not be trivially copyable, if it has a non-trivial copy constructor (even though the object by definition has no state to copy).

The definition of "empty class" (per std::is_empty) must now be expanded. The rules for an empty class are:

In all other ways, except where detailed below, a stateless subobject works identically to a non-stateless one. Stateless subobjects are initialized and destroyed just as if they were not stateless. Stateless subobjects undergo copy and move construction and assignment along with all other subobjects (though they will likely not be doing much). In particular, stateless subobjects are still members/base classes of the types that contain them, so aggregate initialization of members (and bases) will still have to take them into account:

struct foo {};

struct aggregate
  stateless foo f;
  int b;

//It may have no state, but `f` must still be initialized.
aggregate agg = {{}, 4};

Stateless types

The stateless property can be applied to (non-union) types as well:

stateless class ClassName : BaseClasses

The stateless keyword must be consistently associated with any forward declarations for stateless types.

class ClassName;  //Not a stateless type.

stateless class ClassName  //Compiler error: you told me it wasn't stateless before.

And vice-versa.

A stateless class definition is ill-formed if the class is not empty (per the expanded rules for empty classes).

The size of a stateless class is not modified by being stateless. Therefore, the size of a stateless class shall be no different from the size of any other empty class.

The statelessness of a type can be conditional, just like subobjects:

template<typename T>
stateless(is_empty_v<T>) struct Foo : public T {};

Here, Foo may or may not be stateless, depending on whether T is empty. If the constant expression evaluates to false, then the class is not stateless.

To make certain conditions easier, there will be the stateless(auto) syntax. When applied to a class declaration, stateless(auto) will cause the class to be stateless if the class is empty. If the class is not empty, then the class will not be stateless.

When a stateless class is used to declare a direct subobject of another type, that subobject will be implicitly stateless. It is perfectly valid to explicitly specify stateless on a member/base class of a stateless type. If the conditions on the two stateless properties do not agree (one resolves to true and the other false), then the program is il-formed.1

Declaring an array of a stateless type as an NSDM is forbidden. Stateless types may not be used as members of a union.

The standard library does not need to have a traits class to detect if a type is stateless. A type with such a declaration can be used in any way that any type can, so is_empty is sufficient.

Stateless anonymous types

Statelessness can be applied to anonymous types as well:

stateless(auto) struct
    Data d;
} varName;

The stateless property applies to the struct declaration, not the variable. As such, decltype(varName) will be a stateless type if Data is a stateless type. Such declarations can only be made as non-static data members.

Implementation and Restrictions

In a perfect world, the above would be the only restrictions on stateless types. C++ of course is never perfect.

Memory locations

In C++ as it currently stands, every object needs to have a memory location. And two separate objects of unrelated types cannot have the same memory location.

Stateless subobojects effectively have to be able to break this rule. The memory location of a stateless subobject is more or less irrelevant. Since the type is stateless, there is no independent state to access. So one instance is functionally no different from another.2

As such, the general idea is that a stateless subobject could have any address within the storage of the object which contains it. This means that a stateless subobject can have the same address as any other subobject in its containing object's type.

This is not really an implementation problem, since stateless subobojects by their very nature have no state to access. As such, the specific address of their this pointer is irrelevant. What we need, standard-wise, is to modify the rules for accessing objects and aliasing to allow a stateless subobject to have the same address as any other object. Because stateless objects have no value to access, we may not even need to change [basic.lval]/10.

The address of a stateless subobject can be any address within the storage of the object that contains it. The standard need not specify exactly which address.

Implementation-wise, the difficulty will be in changing how types are laid out. That is, modifying ABIs to allow member subobjects that have no size and enforcing EBO even when it might otherwise have been forbidden.

The behavior of the user converting pointers/references between two unrelated stateless subobjects should still be undefined. We just need rules to allow stateless subobjects to be assigned a memory location at the discretion of the compiler, which may not be unique from other unrelated objects.

Stateless arrays

This design expressly forbids the declaration of stateless member subobjects that are arrayed. The reason for this has to do with pointer arithmetic.

In C++, the following should be perfectly valid for any type T, regarldess of where the array of T is declared:

T t[5];
T *first = &t[0];
T *last = first + 5;
assert(sizeof(T) * 5 == last - first);

The whole point of a stateless subobject is that it does not take up space within another type. If the array above were a member of another type, this code still ought to work. But, since sizeof(T) is non-zero, that means that those values have to take up space somewhere. Each pointer has to be valid.

Under non-array conditions, the pointer to a stateless subobject could always have the same address as its container (recursively, to the last non-stateless container). Adding 1 to any such pointer will still be a valid address; this is required because any object can be considered an array of 1 value ([expr.add]/4). If the containing class is an empty class with a size of 1, then adding one to a stateless member's pointer is no less valid than adding 1 to the container's address.

When dealing with an array, this is not necessarily the case. If the stateless array has a count larger than 1, and it is contained in an empty class, there is no guarantee that adding a number larger than 1 will result in a valid address for the purposes of iteration.

Several alternatives were considered:

  1. Declare that sizeof for stateless subobjects is zero. I am not nearly familiar enough with the C++ standard to know the level of horrors that this would unleash, but I can imagine that it's very bad. It would also make it impossible to have a distinction between stateless subobjects and stateless types, as the sizeof can be applied to a pointer to the object, which cannot know if the object it points to is stateless.

  2. Declare that stateless subobjects which are arrayed will still take up space as though they were not declared stateless.

  3. Forbid declaring arrays of stateless subobjects altogether.

Option 1 is probably out due to various potential issues. #2 seems tempting, but it makes the use of stateless T arr[4]; something of a lie. Earlier designs used #3, then switched to #2. But the current design goes back to #3 for an important reason.

In the current design, it is the use of a type which is stateless. Types can be declared stateless as well, but this really only means that all uses of them to declare objects will implicitly be stateless. So this restricts how the type may be used, but not the semantics of it.

Because statelessness can be applied to any empty class at its point of use, if a user wants to be able to use an empty class in a non-stateless way, then they simply do not declare the class to be stateless.

And therefore, if you declare a class to be stateless, you truly intend for it to only be used as a subobject of another type. This would be useful for a CRTP base class, for example, where it is a logical error to create an object of the class which is not a base class.

Trivial copyability

Trivial copyability is another area that can be problematic with stateless subobjects. We explicitly forbid trivial copying into a base class subobject of another class ([basic.types]/2).

Similarly, we must explicitly forbid trivial copying into stateless subobojects. Trivial copying from a stateless subobject should be OK. Though this is only "OK" in the sense that the program is not ill-formed or that there us undefined behavior. The value copied is undefined, but that doesn't matter, since you could only ever use that value to initialize a type that is layout compatible with an empty class. Namely, another empty class. And empty classes have no value.


offsetof will obviously not be affected by stateless subobject members of another type. However, if offsetof is applied to a stateless subobject, what is the result?

I would suggest that this either be undefined or 0.

Potential issues

The Unknown

One of the most difficult aspects of dealing with any form of stateless type system is that it represents something that is very new and very complicated for C++ to deal with. As such, the wording for this needs to be quite precise and comprehensive, lest we introduce subtle bugs into the standard.

A good spec doctor needs to be involved with the standardization of this feature.

Alternative Designs Explored

There has been many alternatives towards achieving the same ends. Every such alternative has to deal with 2 fundamental rules of the C++ object model:

  1. Objects are defined by a region of storage.
  2. Two different object instances have different regions of storage.

This current proposal focuses on avoiding changes to rule #1. Stateless subobjects in this proposal still have a non-zero size. Instead, changes to rule #2 are made to permit stateless objects to work.

Other alternatives take a different approach to dealing with these rules.

Magic standard library wrapper type

This idea is focused on just the specific case of having empty classes potentially take up no space in their containing classes.

It would essentially declare a standard library type that is, in the context of this proposal, something like this:

template<typename T>
stateless(is_empty_v<T>) struct allow_zero_size : public T {...};

It is a wrapper which, when used as an NSDM, will not take up any space in its containing object if the given type is empty. And if it is not, then it will.

The theoretical idea behind this is that it doesn't require new syntax. And in that proposal, allow_zero_size would not be forbidden from being in arrays or any of the other forbearances that this proposal forbids stateless types from.

This makes the behavior of such a type rather more difficult to specify. The standard would still need to have changes to allow subobojects which take up no space to work, since users have to be able to get pointers/references to them and the like. Once that work is done, exactly how you specify that a subobject takes up no space does not really matter.


From the C++ Future Discussions forum:

  1. It may be reasonable to use the logical or between the two, instead of failing on a mis-match.

  2. Yes, it is be possible for an otherwise empty type to use its own this pointer as its state. This could be used to register itself with some global system or perform some other side-effect. The current rules ensure, even with EBO, that an empty object instance will always have a distinct this pointer from any other instance of that type. However, such types would be inappropriate to use as stateless types, since they are not logically stateless. Further, I find it highly unlikely that such code is sufficiently widespread to be much of a problem. It would be better for makers of such classes to simply declare an unused member of type char, to prevent themselves from being considered empty.