July 23 webex

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Michael Wong

Jul 23, 2018, 3:08:08 PM7/23/18
to SG5 - Transactional Memory
Apology for the late reminder. Hans, Herb and I are on the call. Just want to see if anyone else can join. Thanks.

Start Time: Monday, July 23 , 2018, 12:00 PM US Pacific Time (07:00 PM in GMT)
End Time: 1:00 PM US Pacific Time (duration: one  hour)

With large numbers of participants, audio interference can be a problem. Please try to keep
your phone muted whenever possible. If your phone does not have a mute
button, the bridge will mute or un-mute your line if you dial *6.

The current secretary rota list is (the person who took notes at the last meeting is moved to the end)

Maged, Jens, Victor,, Hans, Michael Scott, Michael Spear , Michael W


1. Opening and introductions

1.1 Roll call of participants

1.2 Adopt agenda

1.3 Approve minutes from previous meeting, and approve publishing  previously approved minutes to ISOCPP.org

1.4 Review action items from previous meeting (5 min)

1.5 Call schedules (please add your away days)

2. Main issues (50 min)

2.1 Continue discussion on future of TM logistics

Continue on minimal TM lite  proposal based on Herb Sutter's ideas (Herb to come on)

Tim Sweeney has been occassionally pinging us or talking about us and has replied to our requests:

From Jan 29 meeting:

In my view, this is going the wrong way.  Here's a summary of reasons, and an alternative path forward.

First, let's recognize that the following topics are closely linked:
- Transactional memory (how do we track all reads and writes to all shared memory?)
- Persistence (how do we allocate, find, persist, and manage data long-term without corruption?)
- Garbage collection (how do we find out what memory is actively being used?)
- ABI (how do we provide interface and data backwards-compatibility over multiple program invocations and even across platforms?)
- Reflection (what is the format of all of our data?)

There are several different ways that SG5 could approach this topic.

The current approach is to try to expose transactional memory at the language level.  This is difficult, expensive, not fully orthogonal to the other topics above.  More generally, it seems aloof to the C++ way, which is to expose general abstractions to programmers so we can implement specific features.  Examples of abstractions include functions (1960), templates (1990), and reflection (2020?)

My view is: Give us a great reflection spec, and we'll do the other things ourselves in libraries.  Doing this in libraries would be a good thing because:
- Developers can experiment and discover what works best, as opposed to mandating a solution that's only roughly prototyped.
- Designing containers for transactional, persistent, garbage-collected, binary-forward-compatible containers leads to very different designs than std.
- New transactional, persistent, garbage-collected code will need to coexist and interoperate with existing libraries, so fine-grained control will be needed -- which is natural with a library solution to these problems, and unnatural with cross-cutting language features.
- Reflection provides the full toolset needed to build the features above. Transactions via new templated container types; persistence via anything from serialization to patching memory to upgrade versions in-place; garbage collection via metadata; and ABI compatibility by automatically creating forward-compatible wrappers and adapters.

A minimalist alternative for SG5 is to simply bless (via std extensions) the kind of accelerated-but-not-guaranteed restricted transactional memory of Intel's TSX and similar related proposals.  These are well-understood low-level features that libraries can build on to implement full transactional memory and the other things, on an opt-in basis.
From Tim Sweeney to SG7 reflection on 12/28/17

With just reflection, and no reliance on a future generative C++ proposal, we can generate specialized functions that mimic the behavior of constructors and destructors but are customized for special usage cases.  For example: a "deserializing constructor" to generate a new instance of a class from a stream, or helper constructors for optimized garbage-collection schemes.

One thing we can't with reflection alone is member-specific customization smart pointers to classes.  For example, given "gc_smart_pointer<t> p", we can implement "gc_smart_pointer<t>::operator->()", but it has to behave uniformly for all types.

Could we have a per-class overloadable templated variant of operator->(t&) which receives a meta object describing the particular member being accessed?  Then it can customize its behavior according to the type and member being accessed.  This would be useful for optimized garbage-collection schemes (where accessing a POD can be optimized compared to a garbage-collector-managed type); software transactional memory schemes (which would like to store data in a class as a simple type, but access it using a wrapper type), marshaling layers that connect C++ to scripting languages; etc.

From Tim Sweeney to SG7

Will P0194 be extended to support lambdas, and specifically reflecting on the number and type of lambda captures?

Reflecting on lambda captures is critically important in the case of implementing a garbage collector on top of standard C++, without hardcoding knowledge of memory layout or other things.


In standard C++, a general-purpose garbage collector can be implemented on top of smart pointers with reference counting.  Any allocation with a nonzero reference count is treated as a GC root.  To get from this starting point to real garbage collection, we can provide a mechanism for certain types (such as containers) which are themselves heap-allocated and reference counted, to release the reference counts of their contents once they're initialized.

This can be automated by replacing "new t(parms)" with "newref<t>(parms)", which allocations memory, calls a constructor, and ensures smart pointers release their reference counts immediately rather than in their destructor.  This approach breaks the reference-counting cycles for those heap-allocated types, while ensuring everything on the stack remains a GC root.

Using this approach, I have a neat concurrent, nonblocking garbage collector up and running on top of standard C++17.  Without static reflection, this requires manually implementing reference-count-releasing functions for essential types.

With C++2a, reflection could make it completely automatic.  So, instead of using raw pointers and new, you use a smart pointer and newref, and get free, safe GC within standard C++.  For this to work well, we'd need to reflect lambda captures.  If we can't reflect lambda captures, then we are nearly certain that they'll be held forever due to reference-counting cycles, because a lambda's purpose is often to manipulate an object it's stored in.  Thus the lambda pins the object, and the object contains the lambda, so it's never released.  Eager functional languages like ML require garbage collection solely because of these cyclic references between containers and lambdas within them.

Aside: Garbage Collection in Future C++

I believe C++ will fundamentally require concurrent GC in order to scale to many-threaded programs with complex data dependencies and asynchronous execution.  Objects, lambdas, and futures interact in so many subtle ways that manual memory management seems intractable. (Unreal Engine has relied on a hand-coded C++ garbage collector since 1998.)

I feel the N2670 garbage collection track is neither tenable nor desirable.  C++ isn't about heavyweight runtime plumbing; it's about giving the programmer control, and relying on standard and user libraries to solve common problems.  Give us a thorough version of P0194 and we'll have garbage collection soon enough.  And it won't be a conservative kluge that stops all threads and scans all stacks and memory looking for pointer-like things; it will be a standard C++ implementation which users can opt-in to, while remaining safe and composable with all other libraries, whether they use GC or not.

Axel Naumann <Axel.N...@cern.ch>


to reflection

Hi Tim,

On 18.12.17 23:08, tim.s...@epicgames.com wrote:
Will P0194 be extended to support lambdas, and specifically reflecting on the number and type of lambda captures?

Reflecting on lambda captures is critically important in the case of implementing a garbage collector on top of standard C++, without hardcoding knowledge of memory layout or other things.

Wow, super-interesting. I'd love to see a CppCon talk on that, to better understand that idea.

And while P0194 excludes lambdas, its follow-up paper P0670 includes them and will appear in LEWG + EWG for the next C++ standards meeting, i.e. it's on track to catch up with P0194.

Could you check whether it does what you need?

Cheers, Axel.

to SG
Thanks for P0670! Its coverage of static reflection on functions and lambdas in particular looks like exactly what's needed for exposing lambda captures to a garbage collector.

As an aside, I agree with the importance of exposing function parameter names.  These will all be important in doc tools, RPC frameworks, and marshalling from scripting languages built on C++ reflection

From Herb Sutter:

I just got this in email from Tim Sweeney:


Transactional memory: Supporting this natively is totally crazy in C++, which has far too much low-level mutable state by default and will be hopelessly inefficient, and uses mutable containers whose internal implementations (reading and writing lots of state) will create vast false conflicts. Rather, we should approach this two ways: ISO C++ should quickly adopt and expose failable Intel TSX-style transactions for small, low-level operations; …


This matches my encouragement to the group to please consider “small local transactions” that are just some small fixed number of memory-only operations… that avoids the entire composability/annotation problem and immediately enables a whole class of lock-free data structures that need (only) multi-word/non-contiguous CAS.

2.2: Interaction with Executors and Synchonized proposal


The last discussion has us considering an alternative lambda form.

See Paper emailed out on Lambda proposal


2.3 future issues list:

1. llvm synchronized blocks
2. more smart ptrs?how fast can atomics and smart ptrs be outside tx if they have to interact with tx (for world that does not care about tx), the atomic nature of smart ptrs as a way towards atomics inside atomic blocks
3. more papers?
4. Issue 1-4 paper updates to current TM spec
5. std library

2.4 Discuss defects if any work done since last call
Issue 1: https://groups.google.com/a/isocpp.org/forum/#!topic/tm/SMVEiVLbdig
Issue 2: https://groups.google.com/a/isocpp.org/forum/#!topic/tm/Th7IFxFuIYo
Issue 3:https://groups.google.com/a/isocpp.org/forum/#!topic/tm/CXBycK3kgo0
Issue 4: https://groups.google.com/a/isocpp.org/forum/#!topic/tm/Ood8sP1jbCQ

3. Any other business

4. Review

4.1 Review and approve resolutions and issues [e.g., changes to SG's working draft]
N4513 is the official working draft (these links may not be active yet until ISO posts these documents)

N4514 is the published PDTS:

N4515 is the Editor's report:

Github is where the latest repository is (I have updated for latest PDTS published draft from post-Leneaxa):

Bugzilla for filing bugs against TS:

4.2 Future backlog discussions:

4.2.1 Write up guidance for TM compatibility for when TM is included in C++ standard (SG5)

4.2.2 Continue Retry discussion

4.2.3 Issue 3 follow-up

Jens to follow up to see if anything needs to be done for Issue 3.

4.2.5 Future C++ Std meetings:

2018 06-04 RAP C++ Std meeting

4.3 Review action items (5 min)

5. Closing process

5.1 Establish next agenda

5.2 Future meeting
Next call: TBD

Michael Wong

Jul 23, 2018, 3:28:05 PM7/23/18
to SG5 - Transactional Memory

On Monday, July 23, 2018 at 3:08:08 PM UTC-4, Michael Wong wrote:
Apology for the late reminder. Hans, Herb and I are on the call. Just want to see if anyone else can join. Thanks.

Start Time: Monday, July 23 , 2018, 12:00 PM US Pacific Time (07:00 PM in GMT)
End Time: 1:00 PM US Pacific Time (duration: one  hour)

With large numbers of participants, audio interference can be a problem. Please try to keep
your phone muted whenever possible. If your phone does not have a mute
button, the bridge will mute or un-mute your line if you dial *6.

The current secretary rota list is (the person who took notes at the last meeting is moved to the end)

Maged, Jens, Victor,, Hans, Michael Scott, Michael Spear , Michael W


1. Opening and introductions

1.1 Roll call of participants

Hans, Herb, Victor, Michael W

1.2 Adopt agenda

1.3 Approve minutes from previous meeting, and approve publishing  previously approved minutes to ISOCPP.org

1.4 Review action items from previous meeting (5 min)

1.5 Call schedules (please add your away days)

2. Main issues (50 min)

2.1 Continue discussion on future of TM logistics

Herb illustrating problem concerns:

Hans saids it is solving slightly different problem
1. generic programming
2. ordinary reads and writes

Herb like #2 to help with solving #1

Hans: synhronized blocks can fall back on other things
Hans: where is the HW world
Michael: Paul M wants me to contact this guy
ARM: Stephen Diestelhorst connect with him
power9 will continue, xeon phi has removed it,

Herb: software will drive HW to support it

Victor: if guaranteed ..

Herb, intuition is to make it unbounded, get guaranteed lock free

are you going to be happy with small restrictive set:
Herb: we can grow this set

give a strong restriction and later relax the rules
Michael: need this to integrate well with rest of the  C++ language ( a strong Bjarne requirement) , unlike the TS which seems to standalone
Hans: yes this wll fit well
Hans: except the ...

Herb: constexpr is viral

Scott, Michael

Jul 23, 2018, 3:28:20 PM7/23/18
to t...@isocpp.org
Sorry - I’m between planes and can’t join in.

- Michael

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Hans Boehm

Jul 23, 2018, 5:04:39 PM7/23/18
to t...@isocpp.org
Part B of minutes:
[ completing my statement from part A: ...except the prohibition on function calls. ]

Herb: Generate action items

MW: either reduce existing MS proposal, or start brand new.

Herb: Generate cooperative proposal.

Viral annotation is show-stopper. Would like a pearl that we can grow.

Victor: Want to find something that can fit cleanly into C++. Starting with a small useful piece would be

 good. Grow it later.

Herb: Let's update the proposal. Get something within 18 months. Could be parallel to current TS.

Feature cut-off for 20 is in next meeting or two. Not aiming for C++20.

Victor: Mostly strip down existing proposal.

Herb: Want atomic { } clean syntax.

Start with statement level.

Victor,Herb: Not guaranteed lock-free.

Herb: Against hard limit, unless there is a killer example. Trait only with strong motivation.

Victor: To talk to Mike Spear about this.

Tentative consensus that this stripped-down construct should be truly atomic. Currently this won't matter since synchronization inside transactions will be disallowed. Can re-add synchronized blocks.

Michael Wong: can't make August 6 meeting.

Keep August 6 slot, just chat informally.


Michael Spear

Aug 6, 2018, 2:10:12 PM8/6/18
to t...@isocpp.org
Hi Everyone,

Do we have a call today?

- Mike

Victor Luchangco

Aug 6, 2018, 2:57:01 PM8/6/18
to t...@isocpp.org
Yes, I think so.  Michael Wong can't make it, but I think he said that his WebEx will work anyway.  If that doesn't work, then I guess we can just postpone, but I think it would be good to touch base again about what the plan is, especially since you weren't able to make the call a couple of weeks ago.  If we run out of things to talk about, we can just call the meeting early.

- Victor
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