revised light weight proposal for TM

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Michael Wong

Jul 3, 2018, 11:06:12 AM7/3/18
to SG5 - Transactional Memory,
Hi Tim, this is Michael Wong chair of SG5. I have noted a number of opinions you gave for SG5 and SG7 all related to transactional memory in some ways. We would like to reach out to you to get your feedback and comment on our direction, as well as specifically this proposal.

If you like, we can forward to you the latest version.

Would you be able to get on a call anytime (you name the time) with our group to speak about the future direction for TM. We are currently in the phase of getting user feedback and your opinion, being from industry will be particularly helpful. Thanks.

Here are the comments we noted:

Tim Sweeney has been occasionally pinging us or talking about us:

From Jan 29 meeting:

In my view, this is going the wrong way.  Here's a summary of reasons, and an alternative path forward.

First, let's recognize that the following topics are closely linked:
- Transactional memory (how do we track all reads and writes to all shared memory?)
- Persistence (how do we allocate, find, persist, and manage data long-term without corruption?)
- Garbage collection (how do we find out what memory is actively being used?)
- ABI (how do we provide interface and data backwards-compatibility over multiple program invocations and even across platforms?)
- Reflection (what is the format of all of our data?)

There are several different ways that SG5 could approach this topic.

The current approach is to try to expose transactional memory at the language level.  This is difficult, expensive, not fully orthogonal to the other topics above.  More generally, it seems aloof to the C++ way, which is to expose general abstractions to programmers so we can implement specific features.  Examples of abstractions include functions (1960), templates (1990), and reflection (2020?)

My view is: Give us a great reflection spec, and we'll do the other things ourselves in libraries.  Doing this in libraries would be a good thing because:
- Developers can experiment and discover what works best, as opposed to mandating a solution that's only roughly prototyped.
- Designing containers for transactional, persistent, garbage-collected, binary-forward-compatible containers leads to very different designs than std.
- New transactional, persistent, garbage-collected code will need to coexist and interoperate with existing libraries, so fine-grained control will be needed -- which is natural with a library solution to these problems, and unnatural with cross-cutting language features.
- Reflection provides the full toolset needed to build the features above. Transactions via new templated container types; persistence via anything from serialization to patching memory to upgrade versions in-place; garbage collection via metadata; and ABI compatibility by automatically creating forward-compatible wrappers and adapters.

A minimalist alternative for SG5 is to simply bless (via std extensions) the kind of accelerated-but-not-guaranteed restricted transactional memory of Intel's TSX and similar related proposals.  These are well-understood low-level features that libraries can build on to implement full transactional memory and the other things, on an opt-in basis.
From Tim Sweeney to SG7 reflection on 12/28/17

With just reflection, and no reliance on a future generative C++ proposal, we can generate specialized functions that mimic the behavior of constructors and destructors but are customized for special usage cases.  For example: a "deserializing constructor" to generate a new instance of a class from a stream, or helper constructors for optimized garbage-collection schemes.

One thing we can't with reflection alone is member-specific customization smart pointers to classes.  For example, given "gc_smart_pointer<t> p", we can implement "gc_smart_pointer<t>::operator->()", but it has to behave uniformly for all types.

Could we have a per-class overloadable templated variant of operator->(t&) which receives a meta object describing the particular member being accessed?  Then it can customize its behavior according to the type and member being accessed.  This would be useful for optimized garbage-collection schemes (where accessing a POD can be optimized compared to a garbage-collector-managed type); software transactional memory schemes (which would like to store data in a class as a simple type, but access it using a wrapper type), marshaling layers that connect C++ to scripting languages; etc.

From Tim Sweeney to SG7

Will P0194 be extended to support lambdas, and specifically reflecting on the number and type of lambda captures?

Reflecting on lambda captures is critically important in the case of implementing a garbage collector on top of standard C++, without hardcoding knowledge of memory layout or other things.


In standard C++, a general-purpose garbage collector can be implemented on top of smart pointers with reference counting.  Any allocation with a nonzero reference count is treated as a GC root.  To get from this starting point to real garbage collection, we can provide a mechanism for certain types (such as containers) which are themselves heap-allocated and reference counted, to release the reference counts of their contents once they're initialized.

This can be automated by replacing "new t(parms)" with "newref<t>(parms)", which allocations memory, calls a constructor, and ensures smart pointers release their reference counts immediately rather than in their destructor.  This approach breaks the reference-counting cycles for those heap-allocated types, while ensuring everything on the stack remains a GC root.

Using this approach, I have a neat concurrent, nonblocking garbage collector up and running on top of standard C++17.  Without static reflection, this requires manually implementing reference-count-releasing functions for essential types.

With C++2a, reflection could make it completely automatic.  So, instead of using raw pointers and new, you use a smart pointer and newref, and get free, safe GC within standard C++.  For this to work well, we'd need to reflect lambda captures.  If we can't reflect lambda captures, then we are nearly certain that they'll be held forever due to reference-counting cycles, because a lambda's purpose is often to manipulate an object it's stored in.  Thus the lambda pins the object, and the object contains the lambda, so it's never released.  Eager functional languages like ML require garbage collection solely because of these cyclic references between containers and lambdas within them.

Aside: Garbage Collection in Future C++

I believe C++ will fundamentally require concurrent GC in order to scale to many-threaded programs with complex data dependencies and asynchronous execution.  Objects, lambdas, and futures interact in so many subtle ways that manual memory management seems intractable. (Unreal Engine has relied on a hand-coded C++ garbage collector since 1998.)

I feel the N2670 garbage collection track is neither tenable nor desirable.  C++ isn't about heavyweight runtime plumbing; it's about giving the programmer control, and relying on standard and user libraries to solve common problems.  Give us a thorough version of P0194 and we'll have garbage collection soon enough.  And it won't be a conservative kluge that stops all threads and scans all stacks and memory looking for pointer-like things; it will be a standard C++ implementation which users can opt-in to, while remaining safe and composable with all other libraries, whether they use GC or not.

Michael Wong

Jul 4, 2018, 8:55:40 AM7/4/18
to Tim Sweeney,
Yes, you can just reply to the email address cc:ed. Your email is also a member of SG5 (if you can not see if, it is probably going to spam) so can send and receive email from SG5. I have copied this to the SG5 members by the cc.Thanks.

On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 4:35 PM, Tim Sweeney <> wrote:
Hi Michael,

The all-in-one std::tm_synchronized solution is exactly right. If HTM is supported it can try to run the lambda using HTM under a global elided lock, and it can fall back by running the lambda under an actual global lock.

I believe this is the only practical solution for general C++ code, and std containers in particular.

Any highly-scalable future STM solution can be built in software on top of std::tm_synchronized, and will require a huge design effort starting with new containers designed to minimize writes and avoid false read-write dependencies, and then delving into multithreaded memory management strategies for handling garbage created by shallow copy-on-write style data management, etc. 

Instead of a call, would it be possible to share my email with the SG5 group and loop in anyone who has questions or counter-points?

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