Reflection and constexpr values (P0425/P0598) leaking into non-constexpr context

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Axel Naumann

não lida,
14 de jul. de 2017, 14:09:4514/07/2017
para,, David Vandevoorde, Louis Dionne

Could someone explain to me why this is not a problem, or how this will
be prevented?

// TU1.h
std::meta::type get();

// TU1.cxx
#include <string>
std::meta::type get(std::string) { return reflexpr(std::string); }

// TU2.cxx
#include "TU1.h"
#include <iostream>
int tu2() {
std::cout << get("").name();
// ... or do more stuff, e.g. enumerate std::string's members etc

Cheers, Axel.

Peter Bindels

não lida,
14 de jul. de 2017, 14:20:2514/07/2017
para,, David Vandevoorde, Louis Dionne
Hi Axel,

Good find.

One solution, and I think most in line with the intent of it being compile-time reflection, is to give any meta type no ABI-level resolution, and implicitly make them unemittable (inline?) functions. This makes TU2.cxx not compile, as it doesn't have the meta type to resolve and cannot emit tu2() without it.

Does this fix the whole problem? I haven't thought this through completely, but I think it covers it.


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Louis Dionne

não lida,
14 de jul. de 2017, 16:28:1914/07/2017
para,, David Vandevoorde, Peter Bindels
I think we already have a similar problem with the currently proposed
reflexpr (per P0194):

// a.h
using X = reflexpr(int);
void foo(X*);

#include "a.h"
void foo(X*) { }

#include "a.h"
int main() {
foo(nullptr); // does that link?

I think this can be clarified by making sure that a type resulting from
`reflexpr` can never appear in the signature of a function with external
linkage, etc.. I think this problem is similar to what we run into when
we try to make lambdas appear in an unevaluated context, and we could
probably apply a similar fix.

For our approach (and the problem you raised with it), we could probably
just mandate that one can't create a `std::meta::type` outside of a
constexpr context, and that a `std::meta::type` can't escape a constexpr
context. Peter’s solution may also work. In any case, I don’t think it’s
a deal breaker at this stage in the design (but we should certainly tackle
this when we get to wording).


Note: I’m confused why there’s both and
in the recipients of the original message. I’m replying to both, just in case.
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Andrew Sutton

não lida,
14 de jul. de 2017, 16:34:4614/07/2017
para,, David Vandevoorde, Peter Bindels
For our approach (and the problem you raised with it), we could probably
just mandate that one can't create a `std::meta::type` outside of a
constexpr context, and that a `std::meta::type` can't escape a constexpr
context. Peter’s solution may also work. In any case, I don’t think it’s
a deal breaker at this stage in the design (but we should certainly tackle
this when we get to wording).

This is the direction I was going to explore in my implementation.

Andrew Sutton
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