Preventing implicit conversion from std::function<T()> to std::function<T const &()>?

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Apr 18, 2016, 5:30:45 AM4/18/16
to ISO C++ Standard - Discussion
It seems to be quite common that people get bitten by the (non-explicit)

  template<typename R, typename... ArgTypes> template<F> std::function<R(ArgTypes...)>::function(F)

constructor allowing to implicitly convert some std::function<T()> to a std::function<T const &()>. Especially when calling the latter does not generate warnings with many popular compilers/standard library implementations. See e.g. <> and <> "No warning when std::function<const int&(...)> binds a reference to a temporary" (spawned from comment 1 to <> "Crash when returning reference from lambda with deduced type").

AFAICS, there is no useful way in which a std::function<T()> dressed as a std::function<T const &()> can actually be used. Calling it will always result in a dangling reference to a temporary that has already been destroyed. Wouldn't it be better to change the Standard to exclude this constructor when it would introduce a reference in the return type? I don't find this discussed on this list or in the defect reports yet.

Brian Bi

Oct 31, 2016, 8:14:53 PM10/31/16

I think we can make this a compile error if the std::function<R(A...)> constructor is disabled when:
  • R is a reference to cv1 T, and
  • the callable object returns a prvalue of type cv2 U, and
  • U is the same as T, or is a class type derived from T.

Is there not a DR for this already?


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Brian Bi

David Krauss

Nov 16, 2016, 2:50:57 AM11/16/16
On 2016–11–01, at 8:14 AM, Brian Bi <> wrote:


I think we can make this a compile error if the std::function<R(A...)> constructor is disabled when:
  • R is a reference to cv1 T, and
  • the callable object returns a prvalue of type cv2 U, and
  • U is the same as T, or is a class type derived from T.

Reference binding can also include pointer conversions, with an lvalue-to-rvalue step. So function<int *()> or even function<int *&()> converts to function<int const *const &()> defectively.

It might be generally useful to have a type trait is_reference_compatible, to reveal whether a given reference initialization binds a temporary.

David Krauss

Nov 17, 2016, 3:32:42 AM11/17/16
I’ve implemented a fix in my library implementation.

The std::function<R(A...)> constructor is disabled when R is a reference to cv1 T and

  • the callable object returns a prvalue and its type is not a class type reference-unrelated to T, or
  • the callable object returns a glvalue and its type is neither cv2 T nor a class type.

In other words, the erasure delegate permits

  • only user-defined conversions when returning a prvalue by reference, and
  • only user-defined and derived-to-base conversions when returning a glvalue by reference.

Any possible issues with this?

On 2016–11–01, at 8:14 AM, Brian Bi <> wrote:

Brian Bi

Nov 18, 2016, 3:04:21 PM11/18/16
David, do you want to take a stab at proposed wording?


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Brian Bi
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