Separate document summarising cancellation discussions

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Mark Moir

Mar 11, 2013, 6:59:00 PM3/11/13

Hi all

I'm attaching the additional section regarding cancellation that I had
originally included in the summary document, but we removed it because
it did not fit well in a document that summarises things we've agreed

While I have attempted to reflect other peoples' positions in here at
least a bit, undoubtedly I have not done a thorough job because I
cannot summarise what I cannot understand.

It will not be productive (and I don't have time or will power) to
revive those conversations for the purpose of updating this document.
For that reason, my default position is that this document will come
just from me and will not purport to capture everyone's position.
That said, I am certainly willing to consider inserting verbatim text
that others might like to offer to communicate their thoughts, even if
I still can't understand them.

Also, Torvald, I think I understood that you were thinking of fleshing
out your cancellation proposal and sending a separate paper on it. We
could consider incorporating the two documents together (mine
currently refers to yours only briefly). One reason I think that
could make sense is that I feel that we (at least I) don't yet fully
understand your proposal and the ways in which it differs cosmetically
and the ways in which it differs fundamentally. For example, you and
others sometimes refer to it as "the library-based approach", but I
actually think that the particular way cancellation is expressed is a
secondary issue to the behavior and semantics (even though it can
affect how easy it is to explain those things).

That said, I am very busy this week, and I will be essentially absent
for the last couple of days before the deadline. So it may not be
feasible to integrate the descriptions together. In that case,
perhaps we should just refer to the existence of each other's
documents and submit them separately and continue discussion of them
thereafter. Let me know what you think.



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