2 PhD and 2 Postdoc positions (m/f/d) for our Synthetic Biology Foundry

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Dominik Grimm

Dec 22, 2020, 3:48:42 AM12/22/20

Dear all,


The TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability (TUMCS), an Integrated Research Center of the TUM, conducts interdisciplinary research to develop new processes, molecules and materials for a sustainable bioeconomy. At the TUMCS, the TUM is cooperating with the Weihenstephan‐Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences. Within the recently launched Synthetic Biology Foundry (SynBiofoundry@TUM) we offer a high throughput technology platform to develop and optimize biotechnological production processes for academia and industry.

The SynBiofoundry at the TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability invites applicants for

 2 PhD and 2 Postdoc positions (m/f/d) for our Synthetic Biology Foundry


to further advance the facility in each of the segments of the Design-Build-Test-Learn Cycle and to conduct interdisciplinary research for sustainable biotechnological solutions.


We are seeking for excellent candidates with the following methodological skills: bioinformatics esp. protein modeling (Design Cycle), advanced genetic engineering methods and automation (Build Cycle), high throughput screening and analytical chemistry (Test Cycle), computational biology, machine learning and the analysis of OMICS data (Learn Cycle).


Further details can be found in the attached PDF.


Best wishes,

Dominik Grimm


Prof. Dr. Dominik Grimm

TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability

University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf

Head of Bioinformatics

Web:  www.bit.cs.tum.de


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