Need to generate bulk QR codes faster

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rahul joneja

Nov 13, 2023, 4:09:12 AM11/13/23
to QR Code Generator
i have a requirement to generate 250,000 QR codes and print them
I have tried the trial version and it has generated exactly as per my expectations
but the speed seems too slow.

is there any way out ?

i am ready for the pricing part too, but only if the speed issue is solved


Rahul Juneja

Stanislav Tvarůžek

Nov 13, 2023, 4:14:03 AM11/13/23
to QR Code Generator, rahul joneja

The best way to speed up the process is to run it simultaneously in multiple spreadsheets.

You can split the 250k codes into smaller batches for instance 50k and run the add-on in five spreadsheets in parallel.

However, depending on your type of Google account, you might start hitting the allowed processing quota imposed by Google.

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