How to change the picture of the gym club for another one..?

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Asociación APTAEEX Extremadura

Feb 10, 2021, 11:57:39 AM2/10/21
to AnyMerge Mail
I am new with anymerge mail,  I undestand it, but.. how is posible to change the picture that you see on the final result...I want to upload my own pictures. ?
thank you

Stanislav Tvarůžek

Feb 10, 2021, 12:22:32 PM2/10/21
to AnyMerge Mail, Asociación APTAEEX Extremadura

there are four images in the membership card - top, left, right, and bottom (see the attachments) and a place in the middle for the QR code for 200x200px. If you want to make your design, just get a designer and instruct him to make the same images with the same size but in your design. And yes, those images must be hosted somewhere on the Internet. For example on your website.

Then you need to create a new draft and put there the images and merge fields.

But the tricky part is that the card is in an HTML table and Gmail does not support editing HTML out of the box... The HTML table holds all images together in the correct position so the generated QR code fits in nicely.

Or you can try some simple layout where the QR code is only on the top, not in the middle. There are other templates that are simpler to create/replicate.

PEI Trail Riders

Mar 30, 2021, 12:57:47 AM3/30/21
to AnyMerge Mail, Stanislav, Asociación APTAEEX Extremadura
Hi there. I basically have the same question as the author, but I am not quite grasping the response - I too wish to send a membership card that relates to my club (which is not a gym).  It sounds as if the gym membership card template is not intended to be edited?  When you say there are other (simpler) templates, where may these be found, and how does one use them with the Add-On? 


Stanislav Tvarůžek

Mar 30, 2021, 1:10:47 AM3/30/21
to AnyMerge Mail, PEI Trail Riders, Stanislav Tvarůžek, Asociación APTAEEX Extremadura
Hi Sylvia,

that question would be more suitable for Gmail support why Gmail does not allow editing HTML emails out of the box or why you cannot insert a table in a Gmail message... When you go to Add-on settings -> Templates there are few other predefined templates - ID cards, Event Tickets. That templates use a simple HTML table, QR codes, and text. No surrounding images.

The main reason why the gym club template uses an HTML table is to hold the surrounding images in the correct position, so there is exactly 200x200px place in the middle for a QR code.

You don't have to use an HTML table at all, just place merge fields in a draft. But then you cannot have two merge fields next to each other only one below another one.

Tables are great when you want to position elements horizontally or vertically next to each other.

One trick how to create an HTML table is:
1) Go to Google Spreadsheets and create the desired layout  (you can merge cells etc)
2) Select a range (the layout you created)
3) Paste it in Gmail draft.

It should create an HTML table and then put there the merge fields.

PEI Trail Riders

Mar 31, 2021, 1:33:04 AM3/31/21
to AnyMerge Mail, Stanislav, PEI Trail Riders, Asociación APTAEEX Extremadura
Thank you very much!


Candace Reading

Jun 8, 2021, 4:01:32 PM6/8/21
to AnyMerge Mail, Stanislav Tvarůžek
Hi Stanislav

I have no HTML experience but I've managed to create the table and edit the image so there is transparency in the centre for inserting the Merge data and members names.

Can you elaborate on how to then add this image into the email? I am sorry as it probably seems pretty basic to you but I am just not following.

Would love to learn coding but I am not there yet. This is what I've done for now:

I will probably play around with it a bit more but am I even close to getting this done? Is there a good tutorial or do you know someone I can pay to do this for me?


Candace Reading

Jun 8, 2021, 4:01:35 PM6/8/21
to AnyMerge Mail, Stanislav Tvarůžek, PEI Trail Riders, Asociación APTAEEX Extremadura
Hi Stanislav

Do you know a designer I could pay to do this for me?


On Tuesday, 30 March 2021 at 06:10:47 UTC+1 Stanislav Tvarůžek wrote:

Stanislav Tvarůžek

Jun 8, 2021, 4:04:30 PM6/8/21
to AnyMerge Mail, Candace Reading, Stanislav Tvarůžek, PEI Trail Riders, Asociación APTAEEX Extremadura
Hi Candance,

I got in touch with the designer who made all ID card designs for me if he would be interested. I'll let you know.

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Stanislav Tvarůžek

Jul 20, 2021, 8:53:58 AM7/20/21
to AnyMerge Mail
Ohh, I forgot to put it here. We can do a custom design if anybody is interested. Here are the details:
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