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Can't Send to multiple emails within the same column

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Oct 26, 2021, 2:30:14 AM10/26/21
to AnyMerge Mail

I have been using Google Mail Merge App Script to send emails in bulk, on there is very easy to have a column with all the email we need to send the Mail Merge to, they can be separated by commas or by back to the line. 
 example, column containing email would look like this:


Am I missing a formatting issues here?

Thank you,

Stanislav Tvarůžek

Oct 26, 2021, 2:33:48 AM10/26/21
to AnyMerge Mail, Jack

comma-separated list of email addresses should do the trick like: ",".

I can send emails to multiple recipients.

Jack Ozden

Oct 27, 2021, 7:02:38 AM10/27/21
to Stanislav Tvarůžek, AnyMerge Mail
I see that the tools seem to need access to write on certain cells to show a color progress bar.

Is there a way to deactivate this? 
if not, what column does this progress bar need writing privileges? 

Thank you,

Stanislav Tvarůžek

Oct 27, 2021, 7:04:20 AM10/27/21
to AnyMerge Mail, Jack, AnyMerge Mail, Stanislav Tvarůžek
No, highlighting currently processed rows I can't be disabled now.

Aren't they any protected ranges? Something the add-on cannot modify in the sheet?

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Stanislav Tvarůžek

Oct 28, 2021, 3:32:55 AM10/28/21
to AnyMerge Mail, Jack, AnyMerge Mail, Stanislav Tvarůžek
The add-on updates only columns that are set up in the mapping editor. For example, it inserts a timestamp into a mapped column or a draft id. It does not modify user data at all. It only reads entire rows to be able to merge the row data.

Either it cannot read data in that protected range or yes the highlighting of rows might be causing issues. In that case, the add-on only changes the background color, not the data.

I might add a flag in the next versions to disable the highlighting.

For now, the only workaround I can think of is to create another sheet without protected ranges and refer from that sheet data which needs to be merged into emails. So users enter data only into sheets with protected ranges. But the add-on then operates in a sheet where are all data references from other sheets and does the merge.

On Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 9:10:29 AM UTC+2 Jack wrote:
The issue I have is I created a working sheet for a team to work on. 
I need to protect the entire sheet beside a few cells for them to be able to only write over a few  formula. 
But the tools progress bar needs to be able to write the entire rows, which prevents me from protected the range or anymerge stops the process. 
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