Custom Template

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Albert Dudley Ostonal

29 sept. 2021, 01:32:4529.09.2021
– AnyMerge Mail

Tried accessing the Request Custom Template Design but got a access restriction message so posting this here...

Can we use a design of ours as a template and how would we go about making a request?


Stanislav Tvarůžek

29 sept. 2021, 01:50:1429.09.2021
– AnyMerge Mail,
Hi Dudley,

I fixed the access issue, now it should work:

If you have your own design then the next step is to create an HTML template to hold the images in the correct position. We do not create custom HTML templates. Only custom designs for the sample template.

One way how to insert HTML into a Gmail draft is simply to copy-paste the HTML content from a browser into Gmail:
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