Metadata refresh not working after updating to Windows 11

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Konrad Wlazło

Jun 10, 2024, 7:21:13 AMJun 10
to Illuminated Cloud Q&A

Today I updated from Windows 10 to Windows 11 and started having issues with my Illuminated 2 plugin:

1. Metadata refresh not working - In the "Select Retrieval Scope" window I see only cached metadata. Clicking "Refresh" or "Update now" doesn't do anything - no error or message is being displayed, nothing happens. Also, retrieving many components at once has similar effect - retrieval seems to be initiated, but nothing is retrieved. This happens when I try to retrieve the whole folder, for example all "classes" metadata. It works fine when I retrieve small number of files though.Screenshot 2024-06-10 131053.png
2.  Offline Symbol Table generation throws an error - right after clicking the "Generate Offline Symbol Table" button I get the following error:

loader constraint violation for class org.apache.cxf.jaxb.attachment.JAXBAttachmentMarshaller: when selecting overriding method 'java.lang.String org.apache.cxf.jaxb.attachment.JAXBAttachmentMarshaller.addSwaRefAttachment(javax.activation.DataHandler)' the class loader @7e8e15d of the selected method's type org.apache.cxf.jaxb.attachment.JAXBAttachmentMarshaller, and the class loader com.intellij.util.lang.PathClassLoader @387c703b for its super type javax.xml.bind.attachment.AttachmentMarshaller have different Class objects for the type javax.activation.DataHandler used in the signature (org.apache.cxf.jaxb.attachment.JAXBAttachmentMarshaller is in unnamed module of loader @7e8e15d, parent loader 'bootstrap'; javax.xml.bind.attachment.AttachmentMarshaller is in unnamed module of loader com.intellij.util.lang.PathClassLoader @387c703b)

Screenshot 2024-06-10 131247.png
Screenshot 2024-06-10 131541.png

What I tried so far:
- reinstalled IntelliJ
- updated Illuminated Cloud 2 plugin
- deleted and installed again Illuminated Cloud 2 plugin
- deleted existing connection to sandbox and created a new one
- created new project
- updated Salesforce CLI

I'd really appreciate any support to remediate this issue :)
Thank you,


Jun 10, 2024, 9:42:03 AMJun 10
to Illuminated Cloud Q&A,
Hi. The error you're getting makes it sound like a bad IDE install to me. I know you mentioned you'd reinstalled IntelliJ IDEA, but what version have you installed? Please make sure it's one of the most recent released versions. If that's the case and you're still seeing this issue, please reproduce the problem and email the resulting idea.log file (Help | Show Log in Explorer) to for review.

Scott Wells


Jun 10, 2024, 4:36:01 PMJun 10
to Illuminated Cloud Q&A, Scott,
Circling back after working with Konrad on this directly, the issue ended up being a conflicting plugin, though we haven't identified exactly which plugin it was. The provided log showed a plugin classloader conflict for a class from a jar that's bundled with IC2 (JAXB from Apache CXF). Konrad disabled all bundled plugins that aren't necessary for IC2 and the problem was resolved.

Technically speaking, plugin classloaders should be fully isolated from one another by the IDE, so such a conflict shouldn't occur, but obviously one did in this case. If/when Konrad determines exactly which plugin introduced the conflict, I'll likely follow up with JetBrains to understand why it happened.

Anyway, for anyone else seeing similar issues, it's always a good idea to disable any unneeded plugins -- both bundled and third-party -- both to avoid such potential conflicts and also for resource efficiency.

Scott Wells
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