Creating IlluminatedCloud project from a src folder

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Oct 19, 2017, 9:11:20 PM10/19/17
to Illuminated Cloud Q&A
Is it possible similar to MavensMate to add add IlluminatedCloud nature to the folder. 

The use case is downloading src forlder from git and then connecting that to an org so that you can continue developing on top of whats in git without a need to monkey around with merging current branch into local folder etc...

Oct 19, 2017, 9:14:01 PM10/19/17
to Illuminated Cloud Q&A
and yes - this sounds like DX area, but until they allow regular developers to have our own dev hubs, DX stays an enterprise feature used only for work work... :) 


Oct 19, 2017, 9:15:58 PM10/19/17
to Illuminated Cloud Q&A
Oleg, you can do this today. You just create a new project from either existing sources or version control and when IC sees that it looks like a Salesforce project, it will tell you it can convert it for use. There's a toaster pop-up in the bottom-right corner with actions for Resolve or Ignore. Just click Resolve. It may take 2-3 steps to do it completely, but the end result is that the IntelliJ project is converted for use with Illuminated Cloud. I do this all the time when I pull source from version control initially to use it with IC.

Let me know what I described doesn't make sense or doesn't work the way I've described.

Scott Wells

Oct 19, 2017, 9:25:28 PM10/19/17
to Illuminated Cloud Q&A
Makes sense :) Thanks! I'll post here if I get stuck.

Dec 13, 2017, 3:58:18 PM12/13/17
to Illuminated Cloud Q&A
Hi Scott,

Thanks in advance for the tool, I'm looking forward to getting it working.

I've followed steps here and above:

But when I click Resolve on the invalid configuration for module message, wait for it to index, and restart the project, I'm returned to the same message:
3:54 PM Invalid configuration for module 'SMP'
Module 'SMP': The following must be configured properly:
module must have a generated offline symbol table
module must use an Illuminated Cloud SDK
Full resolution of these items may require multiple steps.
Resolve  Ignore (show balloon)

The project is converted, and I can deploy changes to my connection successfully, but there's still no offline symbol table.

Thanks again,


Dec 13, 2017, 4:00:25 PM12/13/17
to Illuminated Cloud Q&A
Peter, can you verify that the Coverage plugin is enabled? There's a bug in the current build that will be resolved in tomorrow's build where it throws an error if the Coverage plugin isn't enabled. You can find this under Settings>Plugins. Just check it and restart, then let me know if the offline symbol table doesn't generate properly. Apologies for the issue!


Jun 7, 2019, 1:39:33 AM6/7/19
to Illuminated Cloud Q&A

I am facing the same issue when I am trying to connect to my personal sandbox and coverage plugin is activated for me.
Any thoughts please?


Jun 7, 2019, 2:36:22 AM6/7/19
to Illuminated Cloud Q&A
Hi. A few things to try...first, can you ensure that you're on the latest build of the plugin as I recently addressed a large number of issues in this area, in particular with more sophisticated project structures. If you're already on the latest version, or if the issue still exists after updating, please provide a description of the structure of this project and the behavior when you try to import it into Illuminated Cloud.

Scott Wells
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