Display the help text when Hover over an Icon

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peter felix raj

May 25, 2023, 10:37:29 AM5/25/23
to Illuminated Cloud General Discussion

Could you please bring the feature of showing the help text when Hover over the Icons?  This would be a great help if someone new starts to use it.

Scott Wells

May 25, 2023, 11:22:58 AM5/25/23
to Illuminated Cloud General Discussion, peterfe...@gmail.com
Hi. I apologize for the confusion, but on-hover tooltips should be available on all IC2 UI components, e.g.:


Additionally most IC2-specific dialogs provide the ability to link to the respective user guide topic, e.g.:


If that's not what you mean, please let me know what you're referring to specifically. If it is what you mean, are you not seeing tooltips for some/all UI components?

Scott Wells

peter felix raj

May 26, 2023, 1:04:23 AM5/26/23
to Illuminated Cloud General Discussion, sc...@illuminatedcloud.com, peter felix raj
Yes, I'm not able to see the tooltip for all UI components.

Note: I'm using the new UI 

Scott Wells

May 26, 2023, 9:46:09 AM5/26/23
to Illuminated Cloud General Discussion, peterfe...@gmail.com, Scott Wells
Okay. Old vs. new UI shouldn't make a difference. Are you able to see tooltips for standard JetBrains IDE UI components, e.g., search, settings, etc.? There's nothing special that IC2 is doing that would be different from those, so I'm curious if it's just an issue with tooltips in your IDE install altogether.

Scott Wells

peter felix raj

May 29, 2023, 2:35:32 AM5/29/23
to Illuminated Cloud General Discussion, sc...@illuminatedcloud.com, peter felix raj

Yes, I don't see tooltip for any of the icons

Scott Wells

May 29, 2023, 9:42:43 AM5/29/23
to Illuminated Cloud General Discussion, peterfe...@gmail.com, Scott Wells
Okay, if you don't see tooltips for any toolbar icons in the IDE including the ones from the base IDE, it's not likely an Illuminated Cloud 2 issue. Can you check whether the following option is enabled and enable it if not:

Settings / Preferences > Editor > Code Editing > Show quick documentation on hover 

If that was already enabled, or if enabling it doesn't resolve the issue, I would recommend that you fully uninstall and reinstall the JetBrains IDE to see if there's something wrong with your current installation.

Scott Wells

Scott Wells

May 29, 2023, 9:43:43 AM5/29/23
to Illuminated Cloud General Discussion, Scott Wells, peterfe...@gmail.com
Here's a discussion on what seems to be a similar (perhaps the same) topic that might be helpful:

peter felix raj

May 30, 2023, 4:08:05 AM5/30/23
to Illuminated Cloud General Discussion, sc...@illuminatedcloud.com, peter felix raj

Don't even have that option of "show quick documentation on hover" :(

Scott Wells

May 30, 2023, 9:31:46 AM5/30/23
to Illuminated Cloud General Discussion, peterfe...@gmail.com, Scott Wells
Can you please disable the Illuminated Cloud 2 plugin and see whether the issue still exists for standard toolbar buttons. If it does, you'll need to log a support case with JetBrains. If not, please reenable the IC2 plugin, reproduce the issue, and email your idea.log file (Help > Show Log in Explorer/Finder/Files) to sup...@illuminatedcloud.com for review.

Scott Wells
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