MAGMA matrix tiling

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Nik D

Jul 10, 2024, 8:46:09 AM7/10/24
to MAGMA User
Dear Magma users,

I'm a beginner to MAGMA library. I'm trying to adapt my Fortran program with Intel MKL ZGESV routine to MAGMA. I think the example_f.F90 program in example/ folder is exactly what I need. But, the problem is, the matrix of my system of equations is bigger than my GPU memory. So, I'd like to know: does MAGMA ZGESV routine automatically tiles the matrix and manage the memory utilization, or do I need to do it by myself?
Thanks in advance,


Ahmad Abdelfattah

Jul 10, 2024, 9:05:12 AM7/10/24
to Nik D, MAGMA User
Hi Nik, 

The routine magma_zgesv assumes by default that there is enough memory for the linear system on the GPU. If not, it calls an alternate implementation that performs the factorization using the GPU (with tiling), followed by the triangular solves (ZGETRS) on the CPU. These routines have not been updated for quite some time, so I am not sure how they would perform. 


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