Hi all,
I wanted to ask this question as a "sanity check" before I go and download 10 years of data particularly since using HYCOM is not my expertise.
I am working on evaluating net primary productivity models from remote sensing on a global scale. Some of the models use the mixed layer depth as an input. So far I have been using the Temp and salinity data from GLBu0.08 exp91.1 (data from 2015) to calculate the MLD using various temp /density thresholds and then re-grid to the same grid as the satellite data (9km).
I am now working on extending my evaluation over the 2012-2022 period and I wanted to make sure I am tracking down the correct files over that period.
So far, I have a url list from 2012 to 11/20/2018 from GLBu0.08 (expt 19.1, 90.9, 91.0, 91.1, 91.2, 93.0) and a list from GLBy0.08 for the remainder of the time period (late 2018-2022). (all hindcasts)
There is a grid change between GLBu and GLBy as far as I understand, and I was wondering if there is better way to go about getting the data for the whole period as consistently as possible. I see I can get GLBy from mid 2014- but couldn't find the earlier expt only 93.0 (
I'd be happy to hear if anyone has had experience with a similar question.
Below adding my python script to search for all file urls for reference
Thank you,
Jonathan Sherman
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse
def get_file_list(url, end_str):
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
file_links = set() # Using a set to automatically eliminate duplicates
for link in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
absolute_url = urljoin(url, link['href'])
# Check if the link ends with "
if urlparse(absolute_url).path.endswith(end_str):
return sorted(list(file_links))
print(f"Failed to retrieve content from {url}. Status code: {response.status_code}")
return None
url_2012_191 = "
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBu0.08/expt_19.1/data/2012/" #expt_19.1 is from 8/1/1995-12/31/2012
files_2012 = get_file_list(url_2012_191, '
url_2013_909 = "
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBu0.08/expt_90.9/data/hindcasts/2013/" # expt_90.9 is from 1/3/2011 - 8/20/2013
files_2013_909 = get_file_list(url_2013_909, '
url_2013_910 = "
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBu0.08/expt_91.0/data/hindcasts/2013/" # expt 91.0 is from 8/21/2013 - 4/4/2014
files_2013_910 = get_file_list(url_2013_910, '
files_2013 = files_2013_909[:-4] + files_2013_910
url_2014_910 = "
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBu0.08/expt_91.0/data/hindcasts/2014/" # expt 91.0 is from 8/21/2013 - 4/4/2014
files_2014_910 = get_file_list(url_2014_910, '
url_2014_911 = "
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBu0.08/expt_91.1/data/hindcasts/2014/" # expt 91.1 is from 4/4/2014 - 4/18/2016
files_2014_911 = get_file_list(url_2014_911, '
files_2014 = files_2014_910[:-2] + files_2014_911
url_2015 = "
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBu0.08/expt_91.1/hindcasts/2015/" # expt 91.1 is from 4/4/2014 - 4/18/2016
files_2015 = get_file_list(url_2015, '
url_2016_911 = "
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBu0.08/expt_91.1/hindcasts/2016/" # expt 91.1 is from 4/4/2014 - 4/18/2016
files_2016_911 = get_file_list(url_2016_911, '
url_2016_912 = "
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBu0.08/expt_91.2/data/hindcasts/2016/" # expt 91.2 is from 4/18/2016 - 11/20/2018
files_2016_912 = get_file_list(url_2016_912, '
files_2016 = files_2016_911[:-1] + files_2016_912
url_2017 = "
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBu0.08/expt_91.2/data/hindcasts/2017/" # expt 91.2 is from 4/18/2016 - 11/20/2018
files_2017 = get_file_list(url_2017, '
url_2018_912 = "
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBu0.08/expt_91.2/data/hindcasts/2018/" # expt 91.2 is from 4/18/2016 - 11/20/2018
files_2018_912 = get_file_list(url_2018_912, '
url_2018_930 = "
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBu0.08/expt_93.0/data/hindcasts/2018/" # expt 91.2 is from 4/18/2016 - 11/20/2018
files_2018_930 = get_file_list(url_2018_930, '
files_2018_930_GLBy = get_file_list("
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBy0.08/expt_93.0/data/hindcasts/2018/", '
t000_ts3z.nc') # GLBy expt_93.0 is from July 2014 to present, but has a differnt grid then GLBu
files_2018 = files_2018_912[:256] + files_2018_930[:-5] + files_2018_930_GLBy
https://www.hycom.org/faqs/474-glby-glbv-glbu-grids SEE this
files_2019 = get_file_list("
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBy0.08/expt_93.0/data/hindcasts/2019/", '
files_2020 = get_file_list("
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBy0.08/expt_93.0/data/hindcasts/2020/", '
files_2021 = get_file_list("
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBy0.08/expt_93.0/data/hindcasts/2021/", '
files_2022 = get_file_list("
https://data.hycom.org/datasets/GLBy0.08/expt_93.0/data/hindcasts/2022/", '