how to get fs_LR space bold data from hcppipeline

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Yuan Cao

Jun 25, 2024, 8:52:20 PM (13 days ago) Jun 25
to HCP-Users
Hi expert,
I have recently been running XCP-D using hcp-preprocessed data, but an error indicated that I lacked fs_LR spaced bold data. I am wondering which step in hcppipeline can create fs_LR space data. Is the task-rest_dir-RL_LR_Atlas_MSMAll.dtseries.nii the 32k_fsLR space data? Attached is my Results folder

Here is the code I used and the error:
sudo docker run -it --rm -v /media/ubuntu/NCU/deng/Rawdata:/data -v /media/ubuntu/NCU/out:/out -v /opt/freesurfer/license.txt:/opt/freesurfer/license.txt pennlinc/xcp_d:latest /data /out --despike --head_radius 40 -w /media/ubuntu/NCU/deng/Rawdata --smoothing 6 --fs-license-file /opt/freesurfer/license.txt participant --participant-label 233 --input-type hcp
With input_type hcp, cifti processing (--cifti) will be enabled automatically.
With input_type hcp, surface normalization (--warp-surfaces-native2std) will be enabled automatically.
240626-00:24:59,480 nipype.utils WARNING:
 convert_hcp2bids is an experimental function.
240626-00:24:59,480 nipype.utils INFO:
 Converting 233
240626-00:24:59,481 nipype.utils WARNING:
 File DNE: /data/233/MNINonLinear/T1w.nii.gz
240626-00:24:59,481 nipype.utils WARNING:
 File DNE: /data/233/MNINonLinear/brainmask_fs.nii.gz
240626-00:24:59,481 nipype.utils WARNING:
 File DNE: /data/233/MNINonLinear/ribbon.nii.gz
240626-00:24:59,481 nipype.utils WARNING:
 File DNE: /data/233/MNINonLinear/aparc+aseg.nii.gz
240626-00:24:59,481 nipype.utils WARNING:
 File DNE: /data/233/MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32k/
240626-00:24:59,481 nipype.utils WARNING:
 File DNE: /data/233/MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32k/
240626-00:24:59,481 nipype.utils WARNING:
 File DNE: /data/233/MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32k/
240626-00:24:59,482 nipype.utils WARNING:
 File DNE: /data/233/MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32k/
240626-00:24:59,482 nipype.utils WARNING:
 File(s) DNE:
240626-00:24:59,482 nipype.utils WARNING:
 File(s) DNE:
240626-00:24:59,482 nipype.utils WARNING:
 File(s) DNE:
240626-00:24:59,482 nipype.utils WARNING:
 File(s) DNE:
240626-00:24:59,482 nipype.utils WARNING:
 File(s) DNE:
240626-00:24:59,482 nipype.utils WARNING:
 File(s) DNE:
240626-00:24:59,482 nipype.utils INFO:
 Finished collecting anatomical files
240626-00:24:59,482 nipype.utils INFO:
 Finished collecting functional files
240626-00:24:59,482 nipype.utils INFO:
 Copying files
240626-00:24:59,482 nipype.utils WARNING:
 File used for more than one output: /usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xcp_d/data/transform/itkIdentityTransform.txt
240626-00:24:59,483 nipype.utils INFO:
 Finished copying files
240626-00:24:59,485 nipype.utils INFO:
 Conversion completed
240626-00:25:07,978 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
 Running XCP-D version 0.7.4
240626-00:25:07,984 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
 Building XCP-D's workflow:
           * Preprocessing derivatives path: /media/ubuntu/NCU/deng/Rawdata/dset_bids/derivatives/hcp.
           * Participant list: ['233'].
           * Run identifier: 20240626-002456_0bfbfefb-f810-410b-946d-4cbf81cbcc10.
Process Process-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.10/multiprocessing/", line 314, in _bootstrap
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.10/multiprocessing/", line 108, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xcp_d/cli/", line 98, in build_workflow
    retval["workflow"] = init_xcpd_wf()
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xcp_d/workflows/", line 80, in init_xcpd_wf
    single_subject_wf = init_single_subject_wf(subject_id)
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xcp_d/workflows/", line 126, in init_single_subject_wf
    subj_data = collect_data(
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xcp_d/utils/", line 255, in collect_data
    raise FileNotFoundError(
FileNotFoundError: No BOLD data found in allowed spaces (fsLR).

Query: {'datatype': 'func', 'suffix': 'bold', 'desc': ['preproc', None], 'extension': '.dtseries.nii', 'space': 'fsLR'}

Thank you so much

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 02.46.11.png

Tim Coalson

Jun 25, 2024, 9:06:29 PM (13 days ago) Jun 25
The folder screenshot you sent shows preprocessed outputs in a "sub-223" folder, but your command is trying to find files in a "223" folder.  You probably need to specify "sub-223" as the subject identifier.  That output folder looks like someone has tried to use BIDS-like names for the HCP preprocessing outputs, with an unclear amount of success.

Yes, the _Atlas*.dtseries.nii files should contain fs_LR32k data.


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