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Welcome to the HCP-Users Google group, which is the primary forum for discussions of topics relevant to the Human Connectome Project (HCP) and Connectome Coordination Facility (CCF). Topics covered include the HCP-Young Adult (HCP-YA) original dataset of 1200 healthy adults ages 22-35, the Lifespan HCP projects (HCP-Development, ages 5-21, and HCP-Aging, ages 35-100+) and Connectomes Related to Human Disease projects (CRHD, see humanconnectome.org), all processing and analysis methods/pipelines developed by HCP including the HCP Pipelines, HCP-Style MRI acquisition, T1w/T2w myelin mapping, sICA+FIX, temporal ICA and MSM, CIFTI and grayordinates, the FS_LR standard surface space, and the HCP’s multi-modal parcellation, Connectome Workbench visualization and analysis software (wb_view and wb_command), and the Brain Analysis Library of Spatial maps and Atlases (BALSA) database. The QuNex container is best discussed at https://forum.qunex.yale.edu/.  FreeSurfer and FSL non-HCP specific topics are best discussed on those mailing lists (insert mailing lists here).  The PALM software is best discussed on the FSL mailing list.

Post here or by sending messages to hcp-users@humanconnectome.org  To avoid moderation, send messages from an email account that is a member of the Google group. See How to Join HCP-Users (with or without a Gmail Account)