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Eric Carty

Oct 6, 2023, 4:58:50 AM10/6/23
to Hopkinton Crier, Kim B., WMRC Radio, HCAM news, hopnotices, media messages feed, Hopnews, Hopkinton Independent, Judi Regan, Gary Daugherty, ela...@hopkintonma.gov
Please be advised as of 4AM most of the hydrants were running clear.  There are still some areas of discoloration and additional hydrants are being flushed. The department is trying to make additional adjustments to minimize the issue. Hydrants will remain running until the water clears. The town is  meeting with our engineers today to figure out the solution to help permanently solve the issue in that area.

Eric J. Carty Water-Sewer Manager
Hopkinton Water-Sewer Dept.
PO Box 171
Hopkinton, MA 01748

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