Water service line inventory

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Eric Carty

Jul 17, 2024, 11:23:50 AMJul 17
to Hopkinton Crier, hopnotices, Kim B., WMRC Radio, HCAM news, media messages feed, Kerry Reed, Hopnews, Hopkinton Independent, Judi Regan, Lisandrea Mooney

The Water Department is currently working on the new EPA requirement for a Lead service line inventory. This requires the department to create an inventory of all our users’ service line materials. Using in house records, we are able to determine the type of lines for the majority of our connections.   There are however a number of lines that still need to be identified to comply with the new regulations.


The Water Department will be sending out letters to those residents and businesses that still need to be identified. The letter will have a link and scanable QR code that you can click on that has a brief set of questions that will help us identify your service line type.  The department will also be available to stop by and take a look to help those that are having trouble with the identification of the pipe type.


We thank you for your help and cooperation with this very important project!

Eric J. Carty Water-Sewer Manager
Hopkinton Water-Sewer Dept.
PO Box 171
Hopkinton, MA 01748

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