Hydrant, flow test

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Eric Carty

May 29, 2023, 9:49:44 AM5/29/23
to Hopkinton Crier, Kim B., WMRC Radio, HCAM news, hopnotices, media messages feed, Hopnews, Hopkinton Independent, William Miller, Tom Temple, Judi Regan

Please be advised that several required flow tests will be taking place this Wednesday, May 31st starting at approximately 8:00AM and lasting about an hour and half. These tests will take place on South St. and in the Country Way, Old Farm Road area.  Because these areas are fed by main distribution lines this can affect the surrounding areas. During and after these tests, there may be some discoloration so please check your water before using it.

Eric J. Carty Water-Sewer Manager
Hopkinton Water-Sewer Dept.
PO Box 171
Hopkinton, MA 01748

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