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November 15, 2022 FY24 Budget Listening Session

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Elaine Lazarus

Nov 9, 2022, 3:19:31 PM11/9/22
to Hopkinton Notices

Town of Hopkinton FY 24 Comprehensive Budget: November 15, 2022 Listening Session - This is Your Budget

The Select Board, your Town Manager, and Department Heads invite you to share your thoughts and feedback on the Fiscal Year 2024 Comprehensive Budget, which the Town is developing. 

November 15, 2022, will be the first of several listening sessions. First, the Select Board and Staff will outline the FY24 budget process. Then they will share preliminary information on the budget sources/uses, proposed FY 24 capital projects, and the 5-year capital plan. Next, the Select Board and Town Staff will listen to your feedback and answer questions on the above mentioned topics. Are there services or programs you would like to include? Do you have questions about the process? Are there financial considerations you would like to raise? Bringing together town residents to engage in a shared conversation around the proposed Budget sources, the strategic choices that the Town may make, the distribution of costs and benefits of town services, and the anticipated tax impact is a crucial step in the development of the Town’s Budget. Your collective input and feedback are vital to aligning the Town’s expenditures with the community’s needs while strengthening the Town’s short-term and medium-term economic viability. The Town Manager and Select Board will hold a second listening session after the Town Manager develops the proposed FY 24 Budget. The FY 24 Budget Sources and Uses, FY 24 Capital Projects submitted to date, and the 5-Year Capital Plan are available on the FY 24 budget webpage here.

The public may attend the meeting in person at Town Hall, or remotely via by Zoom. The meeting will be on November 15, 2022 at 7:05 P.M.

 Please click the link below to join the meeting:

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Elaine C. Lazarus
Assistant Town Manager
Town of Hopkinton
18 Main St.
Hopkinton, MA  01748

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