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Hopkinton - SMOC Fuel Assistance

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Hopkinton Administrator

Oct 28, 2021, 7:51:26 AM10/28/21

SMOC Fuel Assistance

Applications are currently being accepted for the home heating fuel assistance program through SMOC (South Middlesex Opportunity Council). The program runs from November to April, and is available to all households in Hopkinton if the total household income falls within their guidelines.  A household of one qualifies for assistance with an income up to $39,105; a household of two qualifies with an income up to $51,137; etc.  Heating with natural gas, oil, propane, electricity, wood, coal or pellets, or individuals whose heat is included in their rent are all potentially eligible for assistance.  

Application assistance is offered free of charge and the Senior Center is the only SMOC intake site for Hopkinton residents. The Outreach Department will assist any Hopkinton resident or household with their application; you don’t have to be a senior citizen.  

If you have additional questions about fuel assistance, eligibility guidelines, or would like to apply for assistance, please don’t hesitate to call the Center at 508-497-9730 and ask for Kim or Julia. Due to health and safety concerns, we are unable to provide assistance to walk-ins, you must call ahead to schedule an appointment.

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