Dog walking near water supply

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Eric Carty

Sep 29, 2021, 3:16:47 PM9/29/21
to ehop, HCAM news, Hopkinton Crier, Hopkinton Independent, Hopkinton Notices, Hopnews, John Westerling, Kim B., Twitter feed, WMRC Radio

The town municipal well fields offer a number of great walking trails at Fruit Street and Charles McIntyre Lane, off Lake Whitewall. However we have noticed an increase in the amount of pet waste that is being left behind in the direct recharge area of the wells. This waste poses a potential risk to contamination of the water supply.  We ask that anyone who is walking their dog to avoid the direct vicinity of the wells, and in other areas to please pick up after their pet to ensure the safety of our drinking water supply. 

DEP notice below

Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter

Eric J. Carty Water-Sewer Manager
Hopkinton Water-Sewer Dept.
PO Box 171
Hopkinton, MA 01748

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