Pennsic activities!

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Thyra Eiriksdottir

Aug 4, 2023, 12:09:07 AM8/4/23
to Mailing List for the East Kingdom College of Heralds
Greetings unto the Eastern heralds at Pennsic!
 There are activities that could use your help, outside of shifts at Heralds' Point!

(tl;dr at end of email)

#1 Opening Ceremonies is Saturday 8/5. Muster at EK Royal will happen at 4pm, departure from there will happen at 4:45, and the ceremonies will start on the battlefield (with the current weather report) at 5pm. All times are real, not "SCA standard". 

Shepherd's Crook will be organizing the landed groups along the side roads of Royal. 

If you would like to assist with crowd control, your help would be very much appreciated! Both Shepherd's Crook and the Pennsic War Herald will need assistance with communicating traffic info along very long lines of people, from line-up through the procession to the field. Once on the field, we should be all set with that task. Come to EK Royal to help there; message me or Dextrochere to be put on the War Herald's volunteer list. 

#2 There is a Known World Heralds social on Sunday evening at 7pm in Heralds' Point. 

AEthelmearc is hosting this year... But Silver Buccle will be sitting vigil during set-up! And I have a commitment. The refreshments will be delivered to Point, but set-up help for the social is really needed. Please go to Point at 6:30pm on Sunday 8/6 to help reorganize and put out food. 

I know most folks in this list are already volunteering. On the plus side, these are relatively short 'shifts' when help is really needed. 

tl;dr : 
Please help organize the EK Opening Ceremonies procession Saturday from 4pm to 5pm.
Please help set up for the Heralds' social Sunday from 6:30-7pm. 

Thank you everyone, and I hope you are having a good Pennsic!

Thyra Brigantia

Brigantia Principal Herald

Jun 25, 2024, 11:44:38 PMJun 25
to Mailing List for the East Kingdom College of Heralds
Greetings unto the Eastern heralds!

I hope many of you are headed to KWHSS soon. I am soooo sorry that I cannot join you this year. (I will drown my sorrows in the Mediterranean.). Please make sure your colleagues at the event all hear about the items I am mentioning here!

First, of course Herald's Point always needs volunteers: 
If you don't feel qualified to do consultations, Herald 1 says "Pennsic Heralds Point is  a great place to come and learn from a mentor how to consult, conflict check, and work with submitters. At 10:30 AM, the heraldic staff will meet with you to discuss your mentoring needs and what kind of submissions you would like to learn more about (armoury or names). We can then align you with someone you can shadow and when the best mentor will be available that day."  Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. 

If you've volunteered before, remember to bring a laptop or tablet if you can. 

And if your jam is voice or tournament heraldry, the tent needs Greeters. It's an easy but helpful role, and there are snacks for all volunteers! 

Second, the East is hosting the Known World Heralds social. As usual it will be on middle Sunday evening at 7pm in Heralds' Point. I need a co-conspirator who doesn't get an anxiety attack thinking about what to feed people at a party, and I need a few hands to help set up the tent after consultations close for the day. Do you like fun heralds parties? I know you do. Please help make this one fun!

Third, Opening Ceremonies always needs people to help herd the masses. I will send the muster information out closer to Pennsic. 

Lastly, please ask your fellow Easterners at KWHSS if there's a way you can help them. I'm proud of the people doing the hard work that is going into hosting the event, and since I can't volunteer myself, I can direct all of you to do so instead! Thank you in advance. 


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