Good luck to all

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Loic F

Oct 25, 2024, 9:15:00 AM10/25/24
to HardenedBSD Users, Shawn Webb, HardenedBSD Developers
Dear HardenedBSD Community,

I am writing to formally announce my departure from the HardenedBSD project.

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the entire community for your kindness and support during my time here. A special thank you goes to Shawn for his trust and dedication to the project. I deeply regret having to step back from this project, as I have truly valued our collaboration.

Unfortunately, I find myself lacking the time and motivation to commit to long-term contributions, which is why I must make this difficult decision.

I wish you all continued success and growth in the future. It has been a privilege to be a part of this project.

Best regards,


Shawn Webb

Oct 25, 2024, 12:11:07 PM10/25/24
to Loic F, HardenedBSD Users, HardenedBSD Developers
Hey Loic,

Thank you for your many contributions! You've done a lot of great work
with the project. I wish you luck and success in your future

Should you want to contribute again in the future, you're welcome back
with open arms. :-) In the meantime, I'll take in your commit bits and
deactivate your email account.

Thanks again for the contributions and good luck!

Shawn Webb
Cofounder / Security Engineer

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