Hey all,
Every six hours, we run a set of scripts to sync with our upstream,
Starting later today, FreeBSD will work on switching from subversion
to git. FreeBSD is taking the opportunity to resolve issues with
historical commits. That means that the history of the repo, and its
associated commit hashes, will change.
I've run some early tests to pull in the new FreeBSD repo. git becomes
very confused and thinks every single file that we in HardenedBSD have
changed conflicts. That effectively means that we/I have to re-apply
our changes to each and every file. After 7.5 years of development, a
lot of files have been changed. Because of git's confusion, I need to
reimplement much (all?) of HardenedBSD's changes across multiple
branches (hardened/current/master, hardened/12-stable/master, and
I expect this reimplementation work will take weeks. Of course, I will
disable the auto-sync later today (after the next sync in 30 minutes
from this writing). I'll keep the community updated as to my progress.
I'd like to take a moment and give gratitude to the community. It's a
pleasure to serve you. I'm grateful for the support you, the
community, provides. We just received a very gracious donation of
$6,600 USD. I plan to budget that towards a new server to host our
self-hosted git service, one or more smaller arm64 devices, and
possibly a risc-v dev board.
Whether monetary, advocacy, bug report submissions, or other ways to
contribute, I'm grateful for your contributions. Your contributions
enable the project's continued development efforts.
Shawn Webb
Cofounder / Security Engineer
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