ROM Recovery in HP 6000 Pavilion and external cd drive

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May 15, 2014, 9:59:40 PM5/15/14
Hi everyone,

I have two issues on hand that I can't solve on my own. I have tried my level best but got stuck. Here are the details if anyone can figure out the issue and solution, it would be greatly appreciated.

1: HP 6000 Pavillion series Desktop is not starting the BIOS, there is no beep or blinking of on/off switch to figure out where exactly the problem lies. Once turned on, the on/off switch stays light blue without any blinking or beep. Tried disconnecting RAM and Hard Drive to no avail and no beep or blink even after disconnecting. Tried to discharge and reset BIOS by removing/changing the CMOS battery to no avail. There are four jumpers pins with ROM Recovery label having one jumper and rest open. There is no documentation from HP or someone on to how to recover ROM using jumper or CMOS setting. The model of motherboard is There is a sub link to ROM recovery header and I want to learn the recovery procedure if someone is willing to help. Thanks in advance for reading and helping.

2: I have one Sylvania Netbook G series with Intel Atom (Windows XP Professional installed). I tried to run live Lubuntu 14.04 using flash drive (prepared using unetbootin) but even after changing the settings in BIOS to boot from flash drive, it does not boot from flash but from the C drive to start Windows XP. I am in quandary, if changing different (brands) flash drives may help or booting it up using external cd drive may work. At Hacdc, do we have any working external cd/dvd drive that I can use to try it on my netbook? Anyway I want to eventually change my netbook to Lubuntu once I backup my C drive. Any suggestion or help is welcome.


Ian Kitterman

May 16, 2014, 9:42:56 AM5/16/14
So I don't know how to solve your ROM recovery problem as I haven't ever done it, but I have had similar issues on other pcs and I have fixed them by clearing the cmos setting via a jumper (there is a link on how to do that in your link) and also testing other power supplies.  Also to help your googling the series of beepings that occur are called POST codes (power on system test). Good luck man and sorry if you already know and tried all these things.

On the Netbook see if you can get to the bootmenu with f12 not just the bios. I don't know about the status of of external cd drives. 

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Travis Brown

May 18, 2014, 10:55:16 AM5/18/14

Have u tried unetbootin

It works rather well. After getting the doorstep of your choice installed, you can go back and remove WinXP


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