TV shows that may be of interest

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Jan 7, 2015, 3:44:02 PM1/7/15
Assuming the TV listing is correct...
 Jan. 7 9PM Channels 22 & 26 Nova is about drones
           10PM Channels 22 & 26 Nazi Mega Weapons - 1st cruise missile (must be V1)
        10 11AM Channel 9 All in with Laila Ali - "A designer blends science and fashion with needles, thread, microchips and robotics"
            12:30PM Channel 22 Food Forward is supposed to have a segment about growers using drones to monitor crops

Bobby Baum

Jan 13, 2015, 4:25:16 AM1/13/15
Jan. 14 8PM Channels 22 & 26 Nature - tracing animal evolution using
DNA etc. (probable repeat Jan. 15 Channel 26 5PM)
9PM Channels 22 & 26 Nova - restarting the LHC (probable
repeat Jan. 15 Channel 26 4PM)
17 1PM Channel 32 Legends of the Sky: The Jenny (JN-4) (repeat
Jan. 18 4AM Channel 32)

Bobby Baum

Feb 12, 2015, 4:53:54 AM2/12/15
Feb. 12 7AM & 10AM Channel 26.1, 2PM Channels 26.1 & 26.4 NOVA -
Colosseum: Roman Death Trap (lots of interesting engineering)
Feb. 12 7PM Channel 26 PBS NewsHour - robotic arms (I suspect this is
one of several segments; if you tune in and it isn't on try waiting.)
Feb. 13 2:30AM Channels 26.1 & 26.4 NOVA - Colosseum: Roman Death trap

Bobby Baum

Feb 17, 2015, 4:53:48 AM2/17/15
Feb. 20 7:30PM Channel 32 Beyond Geek - "A group spends 30 days trying
to get to space in a balloon."
Feb. 21 10AM Channel 5 Xploration Earth 2050 is supposed to have a
segment on uses of 3-D printing


Jun 21, 2015, 6:56:49 PM6/21/15
June 27 1PM Channel 32  Solar Car: The Secrets of RA7 - "The 2009 World Solar Challenge in Australia's outback"


Aug 1, 2015, 7:56:21 PM8/1/15
to Blabber
Executive director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation Cindy Cohn is supposed to be on Government Matters, Channel 7 at 9:30AM Aug. 2.


Aug 11, 2015, 4:14:39 AM8/11/15
to Blabber
Penn & Teller: Fool Us (Aug. 14 9PM Channel 50) is scheduled to have a "digital magician" (2nd act).


Aug 15, 2015, 1:13:29 PM8/15/15
to Blabber
This is America & the World (Aug. 16 Channel 26 10AM & Channel 32 6PM) is scheduled to be about Japanese technology.


Aug 17, 2015, 3:06:01 AM8/17/15
to Blabber
Aug. 18 Channel 22 8PM Journey of Man - Using DNA to trace the history of man
Aug. 19 Channel 22 8PM, 9PM, 10PM (repeated starting at midnight) The Mystery of Matter: Search for the Elements
Aug. 22 Channel 5 10AM Xploration Earth 2050 is supposed to have a segment on the uses of 3-D printing


Aug 22, 2015, 10:42:19 PM8/22/15
to Blabber
GitHub's Ben Balter is scheduled to be on Government Matters, Aug. 23 Channel 7 9AM (or is it 9:30?).


Aug 23, 2015, 9:57:40 PM8/23/15
to Blabber
Aug. 25 Channel 22 & 26 10PM Frontline is scheduled to rerun the episode about pathogens in chicken
Aug. 26 Channel 22 & 26 9PM Nova - vaccines and epidemics
Aug. 26 Channel 26 10PM Nazi Mega Weapons - V2 rocket
Aug. 28 Channel 20 8PM Bones - episode about a murder at a fantasy con
Aug. 29 Channel 32 noon Ultimate Restorations - Lysander airplane

Kevin Cole

Aug 23, 2015, 10:37:13 PM8/23/15

Al Jazeera America has (at least) two shows of occasional "shallow" pop-science interest:



Bobby Baum

Aug 29, 2015, 1:57:19 PM8/29/15
Government Matters Aug. 30 Channel 7 9AM is scheduled to have the
author of "Privacy in a Cyber Age" Amitai Etzioni.

Ethan Waldo

Aug 29, 2015, 3:18:10 PM8/29/15

Something I'm really looking forward to, keep an eye out for scheduled release

On Aug 29, 2015 1:57 PM, "Bobby Baum" <> wrote:
Government Matters Aug. 30 Channel 7 9AM is scheduled to have the
author of "Privacy in a Cyber Age" Amitai Etzioni.

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Aug 29, 2015, 7:08:54 PM8/29/15
to, Ethan Waldo

Galaxy Quest!

I wonder if the lizard-pig will make a comeback on it. 

Bobby Baum

Aug 29, 2015, 7:56:14 PM8/29/15
It occurred to me long before the movie that if extraterrestrials
picked up TV transmissions from Earth and wished to make contact they
might build Flash Gordon's rocket ship or the Starship Enterprise...

Ethan Waldo

Aug 29, 2015, 8:08:15 PM8/29/15

More likely than reconstructing a matter rearranger that only works for an alien species you have never seen in person and have no RNA/DNA sample of.  Or does that imply the Thermians were stalking the human species before getting in touch with Captain Nesmith?  Doesn't seem like they'd have enough time with Sarris on their tail.


Sep 9, 2015, 1:56:01 PM9/9/15
to Blabber
SpaceX head Elon Musk is scheduled to be on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert 11:30PM on Channel 9 today Sept. 9.

Bobby Baum

Sep 18, 2015, 5:18:14 AM9/18/15
to Blabber
Sept. 19 noon Channel 32 Ultimate restorations - pipe organ


Oct 6, 2015, 4:45:25 AM10/6/15
to Blabber
Oct. 7 8:30PM Channel 7 The Goldbergs "Murray builds a robot with Adam but creative differences drive them apart."
9PM Channels 22 & 26 Nova "A new version of the biblical flood story."
Oct. 8 9:59PM (that's what the listing says) Channel 26 Doc Martin "...asbestos causes panic..."
Oct. 10 noon Channel 32 Ultimate Restorations 1927 Illions Supreme carousel


Oct 13, 2015, 3:30:26 PM10/13/15
to Blabber
Of particular interest: Oct. 14 9PM Channels 22 & 26 Nova - Cyberattacks that cause physical damage
Also of particular interest: Oct. 17 9PM Channel 32 Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement (repeated 4 hours later)
Oct. 13 9PM Channels 22 & 26 Secrets of the Dead - How the Greeks got into Troy
Oct. 14 8PM Channels 22 & 26 Nature - elephants
            10PM Channels 22 & 26 The Brain with David Eagleman
Oct. 17 noon Channel 32 Ultimate Restorations 1885 schooner Coronet
If you can get cable channels: Oct. 13 10:30PM Comedy Central Drunk History includes the Mercury 9 spaceflight


Oct 20, 2015, 4:47:39 AM10/20/15
to Blabber
Channels 22 & 26 unless stated otherwise
Oct. 20 8PM The Forgotten Plague: American Experience - tuberculosis
Oct. 21 8PM Nature - using high-tech tools to observe animals
            9PM Nova - sinkholes
            10PM The Brain with David Eagleman
Oct. 23 8:30PM Channel 26 Sky Island - volcanic Jemez Mountains
Oct. 24 5:30PM Channel 32 Ask This Old House includes installing a wind turbine


Oct 26, 2015, 2:38:26 AM10/26/15
to Blabber
Channels 22 & 26 if not stated:
Oct. 27 8PM War of the Worlds: American Experience - how a radio show about a Martian invasion caused a panic
            9PM Secrets of the Dead - vampire myths
Oct. 28 7:30PM Channel 32 Ask This Old House - Energy efficiency & installing a wind turbine
            8PM Nature - more high-tech ways to monitor animals
            9PM Nova - role of Egyptian animal mummies

           10PM The Brain with David Eagleman
Oct. 29 9PM Channel 20 The Mentalist - dead of a math genius
Oct. 31 10AM Channel 5 Xploration Earth 2050 - drones
             11AM Channel 9 Innovation Nation - physics of the tallest roller coaster & 3D printing makeup


Nov 14, 2015, 6:50:45 PM11/14/15
to Blabber
Nov. 15 10AM Channel 26 & 7:30PM Channel 32  This Is America & the World - Modern technology in Japan


Nov 17, 2015, 3:13:34 PM11/17/15
to Blabber
Channels 22 & 26 unless otherwise stated
Nov. 18 8PM Earth's Natural Wonders
           9PM Nova - Humans in North America
          10PM The Brain with David Eagleman - the future of the human brain
Nov. 20 8PM Channels 5 & 45 Masterchef - Astronaut Tracy Dyson visits
           10:30PM Channel 26 Craft in America - handmade instruments (musical I presume)
Nov. 21 11AM Channel 9 The Henry Ford's Innovation Nation
           5:30PM Channel 20 Judge Judy - "A businessman says a former employee stole content from his website and posted it as his own."


Dec 11, 2015, 8:53:28 PM12/11/15
to Blabber
Dec. 12 9:30AM Channel 5 Xploration Outer Space - "How space affects the body; dangers astronauts face."
             10AM Channel 5 Xploration Earth 2050 - "The FIRST Robotics Competition; customized robots; using bacteria to make microscopic robots move."

Bobby Baum

Dec 16, 2015, 7:15:41 PM12/16/15
to Blabber
Today 9PM Channels 22 & 26 Nova - skeletons in the Catacombs of Rome
10PM Channel 22 Nova - searching for debris from the
Chelyabinsk meteor
26 Nova - diving into underwater blue hole caves
Dec. 19 9:30AM Channel 5 Xploration Outer Space - astronaut training
for a contest winner
10AM Channel 5 Xploration Earth 2050 - tracking dogs with
drones, 3-D printing to help a disabled dog, fish-inspired robot


Jan 4, 2016, 5:12:09 PM1/4/16
to Blabber
Jan. 6 9PM Channels 22 & 26 Nova - Secret Tunnel Warfare (during WWI)
Particle Fever, the highly rated movie about the LHC, is scheduled to air several times:
Jan. 6 10PM Channels 22 & 26
Jan. 7 2AM Channel 22
           4PM Channel 26
Jan. 8 2:30AM Channel 26
Jan. 10 2AM Channel 26
Message has been deleted


Jan 5, 2016, 7:23:18 PM1/5/16
to Blabber
Jan. 5 11:35PM Channel 9 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - geneticist George Church

Bobby Baum

Jan 8, 2016, 1:58:49 PM1/8/16
to Blabber
Tonight (Jan. 8) at 11:35 on channel 9 "space archaeologist Sarah
Parcak" is on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.


Jan 16, 2016, 2:26:28 PM1/16/16
to Blabber
Jan. 17 9AM Channel 7 Government Matters - NASA planetary defense officer Lindley Johnson


Jan 18, 2016, 3:44:17 AM1/18/16
to Blabber
Jan. I8 9:59PM Channels 9 & I3 NCIS: Los Angeles - "A tech entrepreneur who developed a computer program that stealthily collects data is slain."
Jan. I9 I0PM Channels 22 & 26 (& probably rerun several times) Frontline - Supplements and Safety
Jan. 20 8PM Channels 22 & 26 Nova (also presumably rerun) - exploring beneath Antarctic ice
Jan. 2I I0PM Channels 9 & I3 Elementary - "Holmes and Watson pursue a computer hacker responsible for three murders."
Jaqn. 23 9:30AM Channel 5 Xploration Outer Space - space disasters


Feb 2, 2016, 1:59:03 AM2/2/16
to Blabber
Feb. 3 9PM channels 22 & 26 Nova - deep-sea bioluminescence
           I0PM channel 22 Nova - Earth's birth
Feb. 6 9AM channel 5 Xploration Awesome Planet - GSFC
           9:30AM channel 5 Xploration Outer Space - exoplanets
           10AM channel 5 Xploration Earth 2050 - underwater tent


Feb 9, 2016, 2:04:04 PM2/9/16
to Blabber
Feb. 9 7PM channel 22 Maryland Farm & Harvest - drones in farming
        I0PM channel 9 Limitless - trying to get clues to a murder from a robotic version of the victim
Feb. I0 9PM channels 22 & 26 Nova - Memory Hacking
            I0PM channel 22 Humanity from Space
Feb. I2 9:30AM channel 5 Xploration Outer Space - rockets
            I0AM channel 5 Xploration Earth 2050 - drones
            4PM channel 20 Bones - a dead man seems to have been in space

Bobby Baum

Feb 18, 2016, 4:31:11 AM2/18/16
to Blabber
Feb. I8 2PM channel 26 Nova should be a repeat of Wed. which was about
the iceman found in a European glacier and showed a replica being
3D-printed (shown again at 2AM)
Feb. 20 9:30AM channel 5 Xploration Outer Space - the future of space
I0AM channel 5 Xploration Earth 2050 - computer software
detects forgery
Feb. 24 9PM channels 22 & 26 Nova - Rise of the Robots


Feb 23, 2016, 5:32:52 PM2/23/16
to Blabber
Feb. 24 I0PM channels 22 & 26 - The Human Face of Big Data (rerun Feb. 26 3AM channel 26)
27 9:30AM channel 5 Xploration Outer Space - extreme places in the solar system
     I0AM Xploration Earth 2050 - satellite sensing


Mar 1, 2016, 1:25:02 AM3/1/16
to Blabber
March I 9PM channels 22 & 26 American Experience - Project Manhigh, precursor to the space program (repeated March 2 at I0PM)
2 8PM channels 22 & 26 - A Year in Space (on the space station)
   9PM channels 22 & 26 Nova - Neil Armstrong
3 I0PM channel 22 - Cosmonauts (repeated at 2AM)
5 9:30AM channel 5 Xploration Outer Space - space debris
   I0:30AM channel 5 Xploration Fablab - coral reefs, water-cleaning bikini


Mar 22, 2016, 4:33:33 AM3/22/16
to Blabber
Mar. 28 9:30AM channel 5 Xploration Outer Space - man in space
             I0AM channel 5 Xploration Earth 2050 - robotics
             IIAM channel 9 The Henry Ford's Innovation Nation - hover board inventor, learning computer coding in school


Mar 28, 2016, 3:07:51 PM3/28/16
to Blabber
Mar. 28 I0PM channel 26 (rerun Mar. 30 2:30AM) Independent Lens - An Honest Liar (magician James Randi exposes frauds)
30 9PM channels 22 & 26 (various reruns) Nova - The Great Math Mystery
    I0PM channels 22 & 26 TED Talks - nanotech, extraterrestrial life, & light
Apr. 2 5PM channel 32 This Old House - blasting a ledge


May 10, 2016, 5:00:15 PM5/10/16
to Blabber
Robot wars is back!
Battlebots 10PM May 10 (tonight) on Channel 7

If anyone is wondering why retrotv (channel 49-4) & Rev'n (49-5) are off the air the network switched satellite bands and the local station didn't know about it and doesn't have a receiver for the new band (oops!). They hope to have something improvised in about a week.


May 15, 2016, 2:39:14 PM5/15/16
to Blabber
The Simpsons (8PM tonight on channel 5) will include 3 minutes of live animation. Homer Simpson will answer questions on the air from callers.


May 16, 2016, 11:59:23 PM5/16/16
to Blabber
May 17 Secrets of the Dead channels 22 & 26 9PM - searching for Cleopatra's lost tomb
18 Genius by Stephen Hawking channels 22 & 26 9PM - Can We Time Travel?
                                                                                10PM - extraterrestrial life
21 Xploration Awesome Planet channel 5 9AM - Goddard Space Flight Center
     Xploration Outer Space channel 5 9:30AM - exoplanets
     Xploration Fablab channel 5 10:30AM - solar panels, climate change
     Ask This Old House channel 32 5:30PM is supposed to include turning a bookshelf into a secret passage
     Person of Interest channel 50 9PM - mysterious scavenger hunt
...and in the fall NBC plans (currently set for 10PM Mon.) to air Timeless, about a team after a criminal who stole a time machine.


Jun 6, 2016, 4:34:34 AM6/6/16
to Blabber
June 7 Doctor Blake Mysteries channel 26-2 8PM - turning a TV set into a murder weapon
11 Xploration Outer Space channel 5 9:30AM - extreme places in the solar system
     Xploration Earth 2050 channel 5 10AM - archaeology
     Xploiration Fablab channel 5 10:30AM - science in the community

Bobby Baum

Sep 27, 2016, 4:01:04 AM9/27/16