Getting a -117 error on the app

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Larry Smith

Nov 17, 2017, 4:30:55 PM11/17/17
to GW Security Q&A forum
Recently installed the new system NVR 2416E.

Everything was working great.

I could see the cameras in the app just fine. Realview pro v3.0.17

Yesterday I tried to view the cameras and got an offline error.

Network diagnosis revealed it was indeed offline. I checked all plugs, ran the network diagnosis tool again and all is good.

But, the app still will not connect to the NVR.

Upgraded the firmware.

Deleted the app, redownloaded it and upon using the QR code to add my device I now get an error -117 connection failed device was offline.

Network diagnostics says otherwise.

Any ideas?

Dan O'Reilly

Nov 17, 2017, 7:52:33 PM11/17/17
to GW Security Q&A forum
I had a similar situation but mine was related to changing my password. You haven't changed your password recently have you? Sounds like a dumb question but thought I'd ask.

Larry Smith

Nov 17, 2017, 11:54:11 PM11/17/17
to GW Security Q&A forum
Actually, I had left the UN and PW as default until I started reading all the "been hacked" posts here.
The PW is changed now, but I cant get the app to receive the settings via the QR code.. Thats when I get the -117 error

Dan O'Reilly

Nov 18, 2017, 12:08:12 AM11/18/17
to GW Security Q&A forum
Did you change the password of the NVR within the app as well? Once you change it in the NVR itself you then have to go to the end VR devices click the three menu buttons next to the device name and put in your new password there also.

Larry Smith

Nov 18, 2017, 12:30:35 AM11/18/17
to GW Security Q&A forum
Can't get that far. I downloaded the app via the QR code on the NVR software.
When I go to scan the QR code for the software set-up into the app is when I get that error.
THere is no way that I can see to do this manually, without scanning the QR code within the app..

Dan O'Reilly

Nov 18, 2017, 12:45:30 AM11/18/17
to GW Security Q&A forum
You should be able to do this with out the QR code if you're using the realview app. Log into the app with your user name. Once you're in, there is an icon in the upper right menu it is 3 lines with a plus symbol. Click the plus symbol. At the bottom of the screen click "LAN" but make sure you're connected to the same network as the NVR is connected to. Once it's found I believe you just enter in your username and password. 

Larry Smith

Nov 18, 2017, 1:17:05 AM11/18/17
to GW Security Q&A forum
First, I want to thank you for taking the time to walk me through this.
I located the screen you pointed out, Thanks.
When adding the NVR manually, I get the same error codes. See screenshots.
I verified that the SID is correct as it is the same as the last 4 pairs of the MAC address.

It is on the same network also.


Dan O'Reilly

Nov 18, 2017, 2:29:16 AM11/18/17
to GW Security Q&A forum
Last thing and I'm not even sure if this is related or not. When you go into the NVR itself, right click,I think it's quick setting it something but the QR codes come up to download the app and add the NVR. Do you have the setting enable Ivview checked?

Larry Smith

Nov 18, 2017, 3:01:13 AM11/18/17
to GW Security Q&A forum
I did at one time, then I read to uncheck it..

Dan O'Reilly

Nov 18, 2017, 3:03:22 AM11/18/17
to GW Security Q&A forum
I believe that's how you enable remote viewing in the app. We were advised to disable it until the firmware came out to fix the issue they had, which was a few versions ago. Give it a shot and let me know if that solves your problem.

Larry Smith

Nov 18, 2017, 3:03:32 AM11/18/17
to GW Security Q&A forum
and now that I checked the box again it worked.

Larry Smith

Nov 18, 2017, 3:04:25 AM11/18/17
to GW Security Q&A forum
Dan O'Reilly... YOU ROCK!!

Dan O'Reilly

Nov 18, 2017, 3:05:44 AM11/18/17
to GW Security Q&A forum
Glad I could be of help!
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