Here is what we have in the MVL Student Handbook:
Electronic Devices
Cell Phones must be turned on silent during school hours and placed in the hall locker. Cell
phones are allowed to be used before school and checked between class hours. Cell phones are
not to be used in the bathrooms, locker rooms, or during lunch. Cell phones are never to be
brought into the classroom unless instructed by the teacher. Smart watch notifications are to be
off during classes.
If the devices go off during school hours, they will be confiscated by an instructor/supervisor
and taken to the office. All Chrome Books are monitored by the schools internet protective
computer services. No electronic devices are allowed during lunch.
Punishments for any electronic device misuse will follow the same progression as the Cheating
policy. This punishment is yearly and not progressive.
In the event that an MVL device and/or its accessories are lost, stolen or damaged, the
student will be responsible for the repair/replacement charges up to $1000. This would also
include incidents of negligence or failure to return a device or its accessories. The student to
whom the device is issued is ultimately responsible for it. These items would include, but not
be limited to MVL computers, iPads, Chromebooks, photography and video equipment and
computerized babies.