Hi Denice –
I’m not aware of a technical way to capture who is watching online worship. The idea I’ve seen is to ask people watching online to fill out an online attendance form of some type. At my church, St Paul’s in North Mankato, MN, we have a paper “Connection Card” in the bulletin each week. There is also an online form version of the Connection Card, and a printed QR code that takes people to the form. The form is also linked on our Online Worship page on the website. At the beginning of the service and when we collect offerings, Pastor asks people to fill out the card and reminds them they can fill it out online if preferred or if they are worshipping with us remotely.
I hope that is helpful.
Sallie Draper
Systems & Data Analyst, Technology
phone: 414-256-3216
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod • www.wels.net
N16W23377 Stone Ridge Drive, Waukesha, WI 53188-1108
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