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Brandnew Chromebook Won't Update

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Steve Daley

Sep 17, 2022, 11:06:38 AM9/17/22
to WELSTech
Any advice on getting a Chromebook to "force" and update to Chrome OS besides the usual:
1. Go to settings
2. Click on "About Chrome OS"
3. Click on button to "Check for Updates"

This is a brand new Chromebook that was purchased in December 2021, but was never used until this week.

It is on version 88.0.4324.109.
It is not a managed device on a Google Workspace (still struggling to get that set up correctly).

So I'm wondering what steps I could take with this unit to force it to update to the latest Chrome OS since the unit believes it is currently on the latest version every time I run the check.

Pastor Stephen Daley
St. Paul Lutheran Church and School
718 Arbor Ct.
South Haven, MI 49090

Joshua Schoeneck

Sep 17, 2022, 12:56:48 PM9/17/22
to Steve Daley, WELSTech
You can try updating via flash drive -

See the Update a Chromebook with a Flash Drive section at for instructions

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Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School
Joshua J. Schoeneck
Director of Student Services, Director of Technology, Technology Instructor
Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School
262-677-4051 x4045
mobile: 262-225-7308
Educating for Life and for Eternity
My Strengths: Learner - Achiever - Intellection - Ideation - Deliberative

Steve Daley

Sep 17, 2022, 2:12:15 PM9/17/22
to WELSTech
Thanks to Andrew Willems and Joshua Schoeneck. Andrew suggested trying powerwashing, but unfortunately that failed to trigger an upgrade. Then both Andrew and Joshua suggested the USB Recovery method which has the unit on

Chrome OS build = 105.0.5195.112

According to the Chrome Releases blog ( there is a slightly newer version of Chrome OS which is build, 105.0.5195.134.

Now when I go to settings, "About Chrome OS" and try the button "Check for Upgrades" I get the following message: "Can't download upgrade at this time, try again later." I'm hoping that this is simply because the upgrade to *.134 from *.112 is not ready yet for the Samsung Chromebook 4 models, and that in a few more days it will be rolled out for those. Since we have 20 of those same Samsung models, I should be able to check to see if any of them auto updated to *.134 on Monday.

As mentioned none of these are managed devices yet (which if they are managed there are setting in the Google Admin panel that you can check to make sure they are not being prevented from being updated), because we are still trying to figure out how to get a Google Workspace for Education Domain set up so we can enroll all of our Chromebooks into a Workspace account.

I will ping the list again if this unit continues to fail to update automatically in the days to come. Thanks for the assistance.

Pastor Stephen Daley
St. Paul Lutheran Church and School
718 Arbor Ct.
South Haven, MI 49090

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