Huge thanks to you all!

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yvette roshto

2019年12月4日 20:33:002019/12/4
Hello Third Grade families,

I am so excited to share with you all the amazing results from Giving Tuesday. We have raised almost $28,000 through the incredible donations from our school community. On behalf of the Sagamore Hills Foundation, THANK YOU! Our minds are blown and our hearts are full. You guys made this happen, and these incredible results are a testament to how absolutely amazing it is to be a part of Sagamore Hills Elementary!

There were 200 donors to our fundraiser (wow!). And, since we had so many people participating in our Giving Tuesday campaign we also received an additional $2,000 prize from Mercedes Benz. This brings the grand total to almost $30,000! Also, special recognition to Physicians' Alliance of America for their generous donation of $5000 to our school! Amazing!

So what happens next? Well, you get a break from the stream of communications from the Foundation (for a little while)... 😉   And, now we get to work investing your donations back into our school.  

In consultation with Principal Taylor, the Foundation has identified priority initiatives that we will get started on in 2020. We will be focusing on teacher and staff support through funding professional development for staff and awarding funds for teacher-requested classroom projects. We will also be getting to work on some school facility improvements like repairing and repainting windows, as well as replacing the seating and tables in several classrooms. Make sure to follow us on Facebook to stay updated on the great projects that your donations will make possible in 2020.

From Boosterthon back in February to knocking it out of the park on Giving Tuesday, your donations to the Sagamore Hills Foundation are making a real difference at our school. We are proud of the projects that have already been completed and excited for what is to come! And we are just getting started! Thanks for partnering with us to support our kids and our school!

In gratitude,
Yvette Roshto
(Meena's mom)

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