RISC-V devroom at FOSDEM 2019?

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Karsten Merker

Sep 13, 2018, 3:47:34 PM9/13/18
[Sent to sw-dev and isa-dev with Mail-Followup-To set to sw-dev]

Hello everybody,

after this year's FOSDEM there had been some talk about applying
for a RISC-V devroom at FOSDEM 2019. The FOSDEM 2019 "Call for
participation" is out since a while and the deadline for applying
for a devroom is 2018-09-20 23:59UTC, i.e. in one week.
For a FOSDEM RISC-V devroom to actually happen, somebody would
have to volunteer as the responsible devroom coordinator,
submit a corresponding proposal to the FOSDEM organizers before
the deadline and run the devroom CfP if the proposal gets

If there should indeed be a RISC-V devroom at FOSDEM I would be
happy to help out with the technical side of things (e.g.
audio/video handling for recording/streaming), but I wouldn't be
able to take over the responsibility for the devroom and the
corresponding CfP due to other responsibilities at FOSDEM.

FOSDEM Call for participation:

FOSDEM devroom info:

Background information for people who don't know FOSDEM:

FOSDEM is a non-profit, all-volunteer event run at one of
Brussels' universities and the largest Free Software developer
conference in Europe. In recent years, Open-Source hardware has
also become an increasingly important topic at FOSDEM.
There is no registration required for taking part and the
admission is free of charge, although the organizers are happy to
receive donations to cover the costs of the event. FOSDEM has
several thousand people attending each year and around 25
parallel topic tracks. Besides the centrally-organized "main
track" programme, the FOSDEM organizers offer infrastructure
(rooms, network and audio/video equipment) for so-called
devrooms. Each devroom covers a specific topic (e.g.
electronic design automation, graphics, software defined radio,
etc., see https://archive.fosdem.org/2018/schedule/tracks/ for
last year's list of devrooms). People can apply for getting a
devroom and are then responsible for holding a CfP for that
devroom and handle everything inside the devroom during the
conference. Devrooms are available for either half a day (4
hours), one day, or both days of the conference. Rules for all
devrooms include:

- All events in the devroom are lived-streamed and recorded
and later on published under CC-BY license. All presented
content must therefore be under CC-BY or some other
CC-BY-compatible license (e.g. CC0).

- There must always be somebody in the room who is responsible
for the devroom, either the person who has applied for the
devroom or somebody appointed by that person.

- There need to be volunteers to manage the camera for

The primary event format in a devroom are talks/presentations.
BoF-style events can happen as well inside a devroom, but they
should be the exception, not the rule. _All_ events in a devroom
are recorded/streamed, including BoF-style events. For
non-recorded/non-streamed BoFs there are separate rooms without
video-equipment available.

Gem. Par. 28 Abs. 4 Bundesdatenschutzgesetz widerspreche ich der Nutzung
sowie der Weitergabe meiner personenbezogenen Daten für Zwecke der
Werbung sowie der Markt- oder Meinungsforschung.

Palmer Dabbelt

Sep 13, 2018, 4:02:06 PM9/13/18
to mer...@debian.org, sw-...@groups.riscv.org, isa...@groups.riscv.org
On Thu, 13 Sep 2018 12:42:16 PDT (-0700), mer...@debian.org wrote:
> [Sent to sw-dev and isa-dev with Mail-Followup-To set to sw-dev]
> Hello everybody,
> after this year's FOSDEM there had been some talk about applying
> for a RISC-V devroom at FOSDEM 2019. The FOSDEM 2019 "Call for
> participation" is out since a while and the deadline for applying
> for a devroom is 2018-09-20 23:59UTC, i.e. in one week.
> For a FOSDEM RISC-V devroom to actually happen, somebody would
> have to volunteer as the responsible devroom coordinator,
> submit a corresponding proposal to the FOSDEM organizers before
> the deadline and run the devroom CfP if the proposal gets
> accepted.
> If there should indeed be a RISC-V devroom at FOSDEM I would be
> happy to help out with the technical side of things (e.g.
> audio/video handling for recording/streaming), but I wouldn't be
> able to take over the responsibility for the devroom and the
> corresponding CfP due to other responsibilities at FOSDEM.

Ya, let's do it. We didn't get this in time last year which is why there was
only a talk. We need one person to take the lead, are you volunteering? It's
just the matter of owning the actual registration and such.

If you need any help (or want me to own the room), just let me know.

Arun Thomas

Sep 13, 2018, 4:02:42 PM9/13/18
to RISC-V SW Dev
Thanks for sending this along, Karsten. I'm happy to help put the devroom proposal together and organize the devroom.


Karsten Merker

Sep 13, 2018, 4:42:40 PM9/13/18
to Palmer Dabbelt, Arun Thomas, sw-...@groups.riscv.org, isa...@groups.riscv.org
On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 01:02:03PM -0700, Palmer Dabbelt wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Sep 2018 12:42:16 PDT (-0700), mer...@debian.org wrote:
> > [Sent to sw-dev and isa-dev with Mail-Followup-To set to sw-dev]
> >
> > Hello everybody,
> >
> > after this year's FOSDEM there had been some talk about applying
> > for a RISC-V devroom at FOSDEM 2019. The FOSDEM 2019 "Call for
> > participation" is out since a while and the deadline for applying
> > for a devroom is 2018-09-20 23:59UTC, i.e. in one week.
> > For a FOSDEM RISC-V devroom to actually happen, somebody would
> > have to volunteer as the responsible devroom coordinator,
> > submit a corresponding proposal to the FOSDEM organizers before
> > the deadline and run the devroom CfP if the proposal gets
> > accepted.
> >
> > If there should indeed be a RISC-V devroom at FOSDEM I would be
> > happy to help out with the technical side of things (e.g.
> > audio/video handling for recording/streaming), but I wouldn't be
> > able to take over the responsibility for the devroom and the
> > corresponding CfP due to other responsibilities at FOSDEM.
> Ya, let's do it. We didn't get this in time last year which is
> why there was only a talk. We need one person to take the
> lead, are you volunteering? It's just the matter of owning the
> actual registration and such.
> If you need any help (or want me to own the room), just let me know.

I'm happy to help out handling technical stuff during the actual
event if it should take place, but for various reasons I don't
want to submit a proposal, "own" the room and run the CfP, so it
would be great if you and/or Arun (who has volunteered on sw-dev)
would take the responsibility for that.

David Abdurachmanov

Sep 20, 2018, 9:09:43 AM9/20/18
to RISC-V SW Dev, Palmer Dabbelt, Arun Thomas, isa...@groups.riscv.org

Did it happen? I see the thread went silent with no discussions or/and confirmation that dev room was submitted.


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Palmer Dabbelt

Sep 20, 2018, 11:47:21 AM9/20/18
to David Abdurachmanov, RISC-V SW Dev, Arun Thomas, isa...@groups.riscv.org
Thanks for the reminder, I just submitted a proposal a minute ago.  When we where there last time this was suggested by some of the organizers, so I anticipate we'll be accepted.

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