Help enabling supervisor interrupts

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Xavier Barreto Tomeo

Jun 5, 2024, 4:37:36 PMJun 5
to RISC-V SW Dev
I am in the last days of my project, and I'm trying to implement supervisor interrupts, more exactly time interrupt in supervisor level. I have this code that has everything that should make it work, but it seems it doesn't.

Can someone help me please? I am almost near the time to submit my project. It doesn't work propertly I dont know what to do more!
.section .text.init
.global _entry


la sp, stack0
li a2, 1024*4 #definim tamany de pagina a 4096
csrr a1, mhartid
addi a1, a1, 1 # 0 + 1
mul a0, a2, a1 #a1 de normal sera 0, pq es el proces 0 el que fa el boot ja que nomes tenim un core teoricament (4096*1)
add sp, sp, a0 #el punter apunta al bottom del stack

li a0, 0x0000000000000000 # desactivem la paginacio per ara
csrw satp, a0

csrr a0, mstatus # Read mstatus
li a1, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF3FF # Mask to clear MPP bits
and a0, a0, a1 # Clear MPP bits
li a1, 0x0000000000001802 # Set MPP to supervisor mode (01)
or a0, a0, a1 # Set MPP bits to 01 (supervisor mode)
csrw mstatus, a0 # Write back to mstatus

li a0, 0x3fffffffffffff //aixo vol dir totes les direcions de memoria posibles
csrw pmpaddr0, a0 //escribim pq formin part del grup 0

li a0, 0x0f //li donem els permisos f aka NAPOT RWX
csrw pmpcfg0, a0
la t0, start_kernel
csrw mepc, t0 #li diem on vol que salti al mret

#definim la delegacio d'interrupcions i excepcions ara pq despres no es poden tocar els registres m
li t0, 0xa0 #1010 0 MTIE = 1
csrs mie, t0
li a0, 0xffff
csrw mideleg, a0

li a0, 0xffff
csrw medeleg, a0

li t0, 0x222 # STIE (Supervisor Timer Interrupt Enable)
csrs sie, t0

la t0, interrupt_handler
csrw stvec, t0

li t0, 1000000
li t1, 0x2004000 #mtimecmp address
sd t0, 0(t1)


Thank you in advice!

Tommy Murphy

Jun 6, 2024, 4:07:15 AMJun 6
to Xavier Barreto Tomeo, RISC-V SW Dev
Maybe look at existing resources on this issue such as...

And maybe also look at what OpenSBI (and/or the Linux kernel itself?) does in this context as it may help to clarify issues.
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