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Linux Porting in a custom designed RISC-V processor

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Sajin S

Apr 11, 2022, 2:48:45 AM4/11/22
to RISC-V SW Dev
Dear all,

We are trying to port Linux in a custom designed RISC-V processor using OpenSBI as the SBI. Processor is implemented in VC707 FPGA board and UART interface is provided using Xilinx AXI-UARTLITE IP.  Currently we are trying to boot in single user mode.

During booting, after init is called, I am not getting any message or console is not coming up. We have included CONFIG_SERIAL_UARTLITE and CONFIG_SERIAL_UARTLITE_CONSOLE in the linux build. I am attaching the boot log here with.

It will be really helpful, if some one can suggest why console is not coming up after init is called in the single user mode.

Thanks and Regards,


Apr 11, 2022, 4:23:04 AM4/11/22
to Sajin S, RISC-V SW Dev
Hi Sajin,

I had similar problems when an initramfs I was trying to load did not match the Linux kernel going through the boot.

This might happen if you are working with different kernel versions or if the kernel and the binaries going to the initramfs are built with different compiler toolchains. Someone more knowledgeable could correct me on this, but it appears that the kernel log might be silent about some linking problems. One could have mismatching glibc requirements, for example.


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Sajin S

Apr 11, 2022, 8:04:06 AM4/11/22
to RISC-V SW Dev, morais.lucas.h, RISC-V SW Dev, Sajin S
Hi Lucas,

I have builded kernel and initramfs using buildroot to a single image and later combined to OpenSBI. Cross compiler used in all these cases are same.

shahul hameed

Jun 3, 2024, 1:52:21 AM6/3/24
to RISC-V SW Dev,, morais.lucas.h, RISC-V SW Dev
Hi Sajin,

I am also facing same issue, does issue resolved for you?

Sk shahul.

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