Re: RISC-V Ratification Progress

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Rick O'Connor

Apr 10, 2018, 3:21:41 PM4/10/18
to Alex Bradbury, Megan Wachs, Krste Asanovic, Yunsup Lee, RISC-V ISA Dev
Hi Alex - wanted to let you know the Specifications page on the site now contains a short text entry outlining the role of the Technical Committee and a link to the Technical Committee workspace public page with charter and ratification process info (as well as links to active Task Groups).

Answers to your specific questions are below...

Please let me know if there is anything further I can help with.

Look fwd to seeing you in Barcelona.

Rick O'Connor
Executive Director
RISC-V Foundation

On Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 10:11 AM, Alex Bradbury <> wrote:
On 2 April 2018 at 19:40, Rick O'Connor <> wrote:
> Yes - The process is detailed in the Bylaws and we’ll have it posted on the
> main site as well as the public Tech Committee page in workspace.
> We settled on the description text last week.
> Is there something specific you’re looking for Alex?

Thanks for the response Rick. In one of my previous emails I outlined
how I currently believe things work, based on statements made on this
list and the bylaws. I'd appreciate comments on that and
clarifications on the points labeled with a question mark - especially
the role of the technical committee:

>>>>     The lifecycle as I understand it currently:
>>>>     * RISC-V board establishes a taskgroup (or is it the technical
>>>>     committee - if so, where do these discussions take place?)
As per the Foundation Bylaws the BoD approves Committees and Sub-Committees (Task Groups).  Tech Comm and Mktg Comm Chairs bring forward recommendations from their member rosters.
>>>>     * A taskgroup has a chair and vice-chair, and through a series of
>>>>     meetings develops a proposed specification or specification
>>>>     modification.
>>>>     * Once the taskgroup is ready, it releases the specification for
>>>>     public review for at least a 45 day period. This might be the first
>>>>     time it is released publicly, but taskgroups could opt to release
>>>>     earlier versions or public status updates.
Yes - one public review is mandatory although multiple are encouraged 
>>>>     * (?) After this review period, the committee will collate feedback
>>>>     and submit to the technical committee for approval? Is there a TC
>>>>     meeting? Or is this just a vote on Kavi? How long after the 45-day
>>>>     review period does this take place?
Depending on the scope of the feedback and how the comments are dispositioned by the Task Group, the spec in question can be recommended for approval or go back into the editing process.  All feedback / comments received must be addressed by the TG. 
>>>>     * (?) Things then go up to the RISC-V board for final approval?
>>>> Again, how long is this expected to take?
The BoD meets monthly, but we can always convene an ad-hoc BoD mtg for any spec release that is considered urgent.  At this stage the BoD is primarily reviewing to ensure our process as published in the Bylaws has been followed properly with all commentary being addressed as well as reviewing the source of contributed content in the spec.
>>>>     I'd really appreciate any clarification here. It seems especially
>>>>     important given that this is going to be the first time changes to
>>>> the specification are proposed and (hopefully) enacted through the
>>>> RISC-V Foundation.



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