Greetings from Gisela Triton Principal Herald of Atlantia,
This is a call for Letters of Interest from anyone wishing to be considered for Nereid Herald, Emergency Deputy to Triton Herald.
Mécène Etienne Le Mons d'Anjou has held the office of Nereid for two and a half years and has been an active Atlantian herald for many more years. His contributions to heraldic education, consultation, and commentary have been tremendous and I wish to thank him for his service to the Kingdom, the Colleges, and the Populace.
Nereid Herald is Emergency Deputy to Triton Principal Herald and, as such, is an Officer of State, chosen by Their Majesties Atlantia with counsel from Triton. The position is defined in kingdom law thus:
5.11 Emergency Deputies for Great Officers of State Should a Great Officer of State resign or become unable to perform their duties, their Emergency Deputy shall take over their duties until a successor can be chosen or until the original officer is able to resume the duties of the office. The Emergency Deputy shall maintain all requirements of their office. The Emergency Deputy is not the "designated successor." The Crown retains the authority to choose the Great Officers of State
Kingdom law requires Emergency Deputies to be paid members of the SCA
Nereid Herald does not need to be proficient at all aspects of SCA heraldic activity but they should be reasonably well versed in them, work to stay current in Laurel policies, and maintain good working relationships with other members of Triton staff and heralds and scribes who serve the kingdom.
They should be prepared to assist with the ongoing work of the College and its administration and always with an eye toward supporting the kingdom's heralds, scribes and populace in search of heraldic help.
Discussion of projects is welcome. Ideas that fit with current work and goals in the Colleges will be discussed with other Triton staff and members of the Colleges and implemented where resources, manpower, and reasonable time allow.
The College is currently focused on updating the web content to be more user-friendly and working with other kingdom officers to make better use of online resources to simplify various admin tasks; recruiting new and encouraging existing heralds and scribes and showcasing their work; expanding access to and understanding of the submissions process; and adding electronic payment options.