Free access only captive portal performance

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Mar 13, 2017, 6:25:56 PM3/13/17
to Grase Hotspot
First off, big thanks to Tim and the developers behind Grase hotspot as well as the community here! This is my first time posting but I have been scouring the group for a while and it's been a huge help getting through roadblocks.

I have successfully built a working Grase setup with an old PC with Ubuntu desktop 14 and a basic DD-WRT flashed router setup in AP mode which follows the following process for users:

  1. WIFI connect
  2. TOS captive with button to signup for free wifi (actual connect button is hidden below a huge blank <div> space.. betting they wont scroll down)
  3. Button re-directs to allowed domain for a external Mailchimp newsletter form signup
  4. Back to captive page with anchor link to connect button after successful single opt-in.
  5. Connect to internet

My question is concerning what may be the bare minimum performance to run the above steps and no any additional authentication? Would using a Pi3 be acceptable for 50-100 simultaneous users?  I attempted to use a simple NoDogSplash setup on a router but was unsuccessful in getting the above process to work, so using a separate PC for just a free wifi portal was my only avenue but I would like to stay dirt cheap on the PC if possible.  I'm not very versed in networking lore so it may be the case where the router is what generally needs to "handle" the user load, and not the Grase server, but I thought I would ask.

Thank you!!

José Borges

Mar 14, 2017, 5:14:05 AM3/14/17
to Grase Hotspot

You better use css, like: style="display:none;" on the <div> to hide it :D its that easy.

TOS captive with button to signup for free wifi (actual connect button is hidden below a huge blank <div> space.. betting they wont scroll down)

José Borges

Mar 14, 2017, 5:16:42 AM3/14/17
to Grase Hotspot
I think the main problem with Pi will be the "disk" io, because you better disable all logging (Apache/php/mysql/squid) ... 

Does the Pi3 even work "well" with databases? Never even tried that on my Pi1.

segunda-feira, 13 de Março de 2017 às 22:25:56 UTC, Michael escreveu:


Mar 14, 2017, 12:15:50 PM3/14/17
to Grase Hotspot
I was going to do that, although if I'm using the same page for the initial captive portal, as well as the after signup page would I be able to make the CSS toggle I wonder?  I know you can set CSS rules for 'Print' ect. maybe the solutions there.

José Borges

Mar 14, 2017, 12:25:14 PM3/14/17
to Grase Hotspot
Make a IF NOT LOGGED IN include this css ELSE include that css ENDIF :) in the login template file. 

José Borges

Mar 14, 2017, 12:30:17 PM3/14/17
to Grase Hotspot
or refer to this link and use the same idea

terça-feira, 14 de Março de 2017 às 16:15:50 UTC, Michael escreveu:


Mar 14, 2017, 3:56:10 PM3/14/17
to Grase Hotspot
Thank you!    The trick with the way I set up the hackjob I call a workflow is that the "login" is that it's on an external website I allowed, and after "login" it redirects right back to the same initial captive portal (just down the page a bit) so without putting some javascript in hiding that element with CSS would hide it after "login" as well if I'm understanding you correctly.
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