MtoaConstant attributes on Shape nodes...

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Ragnar Brynjúlfsson

Aug 17, 2023, 9:17:24 AM8/17/23
to Golaem List
Let me preface this with I don't think this is possible to do in Golaem, but just in case I figured I'd ask anyway. This is with Maya 2023.3, Goalem 8.2.4 and MtoA

In short, is there a way to expose extra attributes on individual polyShapes in Maya to Golaem so shaders can read them?

We have a character where multiple meshes share the same procedural shader, where extra attributes on individual shape nodes control, for instance, the color of that object. E.g. if we add MtoaConstantYellow with value of 1 to the shoes, there is an userDataInt in the shader setup that then changes the color of the shoes. The pants could then share the same shader, but have it set to 0, and thus the pants wouldn't be yellow.

Note that this is not attributes we want to use to randomise the color of objects between different characters, but the shader artist has used it to define the color of the each object (e.g. shoes are yellow, pants are blue), while they still share the same shader.

We have a workaround, which is just to bake these shaders down, but I'm curious if it's possible to expose extra attributes to Golaem?


Nicolas Chaverou

Aug 17, 2023, 9:34:19 AM8/17/23
Hey there

If multiple meshes share the same shader asset, Golaem Shader attributes will not be different per mesh (as they are defined per shader asset)

On the other hand you can use Arnold Operators to override the value per mesh:
Let us know how it goes

Le 17 août 2023 à 14:17, Ragnar Brynjúlfsson <> a écrit :

Let me preface this with I don't think this is possible to do in Golaem, but just in case I figured I'd ask anyway. This is with Maya 2023.3, Goalem 8.2.4 and MtoA
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