Geometry Tag ID to add other color

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Ágnes László

Sep 5, 2023, 9:54:10 AM9/5/23
to Golaem List
Hi Nicolas!
I would like to ask you about LOD-ing:
I don't want to refer to Rendering Type but to Geometry Tag ID, how can I do that?
I want to visualize LOD0 geo's in a different color than LOD1, to show the functionality, like you did in the example: you colored the farthest one in a different color.
LOD0: Geometry Tag ID 0
LOD1: Geometry Tag ID 1

Rendering Type IDs point to character variations, so I can't use that. I'm looking for an attrubutum statement in Layout for example, but I don't know how to reference LOD0: Geometry Tag ID 0?
LOD works, I just want to display it with different colors.


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Nicolas Chaverou

Sep 5, 2023, 10:11:33 AM9/5/23
Hey there

There's a bit of work to do here as it'll not be dynamic but I made a quick video showing the various blocks to assemble

Here're the steps :
- use the Replace Shader Layer to assign a temp shader to your Characters
- have this shader being driven by a Switch Shader and a Shader Attribute
- use Set Shader Attributes Layers to assign various value of the Switch Shader to various selections of Entities
- use the glmSimulationCacheTool command to fetch the camera distance of your cache to create lists of Entity IDS
- assign your ids to your various layers using the Layout Api

Hope that helps
Let us know how it goes

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László, Ágnes

Sep 13, 2023, 7:28:52 AM9/13/23
I understand what you are saying. Thank you very much, I will watch the video soon.
Sorry for the late reply, I was on holiday. :)
Have a nice day!

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